Saturday, January 28, 2006
After a 20 minute conversation with a 22 year old associate at work, actually it wasn't a conversation so much as it was her standing directly inside my bubble of personal space with her flaring nostrils practically touching the flesh covering my cheek bones while her voice reached levels capable of shattering glass. She was "troubled". Due to the fact that ordinarily I adore this person,she can make me laugh so hard that flem flys out of my nose and mouth (visualize) and the fact that she wasn't yelling "at" me she was yelling "to" me, I allowed her to continue to invade my space. After she had a large enough audience, most of us staring at her with our mouths agape and drool dripping down our chins, she screams to the top of her lungs "Lucy, HE IS SATAN!! And why should I have to listen to a word he says ?!!! He doesn't even have HAIR!!!!" Then she stood there with her hands on her hips waiting for my reply....I was completely brain dead...honestly how does one respond....I love my job....
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
As Requested...

Here are some pics that were taken over the past year of my braceface...I know that you (Blondie) asked for recent pics "without" the braces, but due to lack of time and my husbands need to photograph various regions further south then my toothy grin we have very few taken of the braceless face, so as soon as possible I will post a few tinsel-less smiles...
For whatever reason I can not get any of the other pics to load so you are now forced to look at the pic of me fishing...and this is what it looks like when I catch a fish that is only slightly bigger then the fish that you win from the "Carnie" at the County Fair...not a good look.. but hey, there are those braces and mighty sparkly they are...
Update 2:
Ok I actually got another pic to and Barley..a "bit" better then the fish pic...
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Happy Happy Happy (Way Late) Birthday JaneAllen!!!

I sooooo know that I should be beaten and FLOGGED within an inch of my life for posting this sooooooo embarrassingly late, but just so that you know I didn't really forget your birthday I never forget birthdays I'm just a big fat irresponsible loser that has a major cerebral conflict with the postal in: I buy the card...I write all kinds of teary-eyed stuff in it ...I seal it...I address it and sometimes I even go so far as to lick the stamp and Stamp it ...and then that is generally where it all goes wrong. I have witnesses to this affliction and I pray to God that this wayward gene has not been passed on to these witnesses!! Kruze won't even let me buy Christmas cards anymore because they all end up in Lucy's "never to be mailed and actually seen by any true recipiant" pile of Greeting Card Hell.I have millions of cards for all occasions that are sealed and addressed in every drawer in my guest room dresser. Its a sickness. I admit it. I only wish there were a cure...or a ICSTMGCA "I Can't Seem To Mail Greeting Cards Anonymous"...Oh there must be others like me out there...we could gather in a small rank dark room and share our shame...
So Janesy I Love Ya Girl and I sure do hope that TWO WEEKS ago you had an AWESOME BIRTHDAY!!!!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Sarah's 9th Birthday....
Pics of the Sleepover/Birthday Party...not in any particular order....
Blowing out the candles...

Riping thru the wrapping...
Checking out the gifts...
Shortly after she tried to pull an entire homemade pizza from the table..NAUGHTY DOG!!
Em and Court making that homemade pizza...
Future pizza chefs...
Preteens hiding from the 9 year olds and listening to their tunes...
Best gift ever Beag in a bow...
Frog-green teddy bear...
Yeah!! More tiny things to get stuck in the vaccum cleaner!!
Thanx Daddy!!
Comments overheard while innocently eavesdropping...during Sar's Birthday Party...
"Don't call me a girl!!...I'm a woman!! (said by a 9 year old sporting pig tails)
"Wow Sarah..your house looks like a picture on a post card...only its too big to fit on a post card" (interestingly said by same 9 year old)
"Maizy!! Naughty Girl!! (even small children newly aquainted with "The Beag" can see instantly what she is all about!)
"Do your dogs like each other?" Sarah's response: "No...Milo pees on Maizy "
9 year olds response: "Wow !! That's just nasty, dude !! (where did this kid come from?)
Just a small glimpse into the minds of 9 year olds...unfortuneatly this is all that I have for you because as soon as the ice cream cake was served and eaten there was very little "talking" and a whole-whole lot of ear piercing-earth shattering-wall shaking sugar induced screaming...

Riping thru the wrapping...

Comments overheard while innocently eavesdropping...during Sar's Birthday Party...
"Don't call me a girl!!...I'm a woman!! (said by a 9 year old sporting pig tails)
"Wow Sarah..your house looks like a picture on a post card...only its too big to fit on a post card" (interestingly said by same 9 year old)
"Maizy!! Naughty Girl!! (even small children newly aquainted with "The Beag" can see instantly what she is all about!)
"Do your dogs like each other?" Sarah's response: "No...Milo pees on Maizy "
9 year olds response: "Wow !! That's just nasty, dude !! (where did this kid come from?)
Just a small glimpse into the minds of 9 year olds...unfortuneatly this is all that I have for you because as soon as the ice cream cake was served and eaten there was very little "talking" and a whole-whole lot of ear piercing-earth shattering-wall shaking sugar induced screaming...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
Sarah: Mom...your beautiful...
Me: AAAAhhhh Thank you Baby...that is just the sweetest thing...
Sarah: And I will love you forever...even if you get old and ugly....
Me: AAAAhhhh Thank you Baby...that is just the sweetest thing...
Sarah: And I will love you forever...even if you get old and ugly....
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Well today was the day...they riped the braces from my head...and I was sure there would be teeth still attached to them as the dental assistant reefed them out, but thankfully all of my teeth are still in my big pie whole...and by the way I am referring to my mouth as a "big pie whole" because my dentist informed me that I have a "big" mouth after measuring the distance that I can comfortably open my jaw he LOUDLY exclaimed "Geez.. you could fit a coke can in there!
Me: "Well how very kind and thoughtful of you to inform your entire office full of clientele!!" I gotta love the guy despite his obvious lack of "tact". After all he has in one year given me a smile that I feel confident to show off and after spending 35 years hiding my smile behind my hand and laughing through my fingers I would say he is a Saint in my book!!
Me: "Well how very kind and thoughtful of you to inform your entire office full of clientele!!" I gotta love the guy despite his obvious lack of "tact". After all he has in one year given me a smile that I feel confident to show off and after spending 35 years hiding my smile behind my hand and laughing through my fingers I would say he is a Saint in my book!!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Cruel Miscommunication...
Prayers to West Virginia...
To be told that a member of your family is trapped underground with poisonous gases surrounding them and the earth threatening to crush them, and then dreading with all your heart that they may never be rescued, must be one of the most horrible things a person must endure. Imagine the pure rush of relief and emotion that must have nearly burst through their chests when those woman heard that their husbands were found and that all but one of them were alive and well. Then three hours later the cruel truth catches up to the Media and those poor women learn that there are no survivors. Three short hours of sweet relief, not nearly enough to make up for the deep sickening heart breaking loss they are now feeling. It is just inexcusable to put a person thru that kind of pain,to give them hope and then steal it back...I pray that God will wrap his healing arms around all of the wives, children, relatives and friends of the lost Miners and carry them thru the darkness.
To be told that a member of your family is trapped underground with poisonous gases surrounding them and the earth threatening to crush them, and then dreading with all your heart that they may never be rescued, must be one of the most horrible things a person must endure. Imagine the pure rush of relief and emotion that must have nearly burst through their chests when those woman heard that their husbands were found and that all but one of them were alive and well. Then three hours later the cruel truth catches up to the Media and those poor women learn that there are no survivors. Three short hours of sweet relief, not nearly enough to make up for the deep sickening heart breaking loss they are now feeling. It is just inexcusable to put a person thru that kind of pain,to give them hope and then steal it back...I pray that God will wrap his healing arms around all of the wives, children, relatives and friends of the lost Miners and carry them thru the darkness.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Living on Stress and Rolaids...
When I started this Blog months and months ago I honestly did not intend for it to be a place for me to relieve stress..actually I was trying to find a place where stress was checked at the door...well as you can plainly see after reading the past few months of my blog... that stress and constant worrying have just followed me around and attached themselves to my big buns. It just has been one thing right after another. This week we are very worried about my grandma, 4 days ago she suffered a very mild heart attack and was diagnosed with a serious infection and was admitted to the intensive care unit, the doctors mostly focusing on the fact that her breathing seems to be unusually shallow and also concerned with the infection which would be devastating to her health if it should spread (she is diabetic). Today while we were all visiting her in the ICU she seemed to be confused and out of it. She kept repeating the same thing over and over. And it was plain to see that even she was getting confused by the words that were coming out of her mouth. I hate to think of her in that hospital all by her self especially knowing that the nurses and doctors aren't exactly sure what is normal behavior for her and what is odd. They see so many patients in a day that it would be so easy for them to over look an odd statement or a slight change in her behavior that could be due to low or high blood sugar. Today it was obvious to us that she was not herself but the nurses had know way of knowing what is normal and what is not.
Once again asking for prayers... this time for a sweet short little granny with a great sense of humor and a great big heart of gold...
Once again asking for prayers... this time for a sweet short little granny with a great sense of humor and a great big heart of gold...