Where I Am...

At first, in the very beginning I thought about changing my Blog name, "Down the Dirt Road" after all I told myself, is not where I live anymore. I tried to come up with something kwirky and interesting something that would grab people by the eyeball and squeeze tight but nothing seemed to fit and then after wracking my brain for weeks I had a long talk with a friend of mine. We were talking about the things that have happened this year and how much my life has changed, I tried to explain how its a little hard to find myself in all of this I look around me at my apartment and at this small town and its very hard not to feel like I have stepped backwards just the slightest bit. My friend asked me if I really feel like I have stepped backwards, Are you sure thats what you've done? Can you really not see your self can you not find you in all of this? Do you still love the sound of the river? The color of the tree's in the fall? Are your children still the most important thing to you ? Do you still love to lay on a blanket under a tree and read a book? Do you still cry at sad movies and laugh at your own stupid jokes? Do you still love baby toes and the color red and the smell of dirt? Thats who you are thats where you are and when I think of you I still see fields of corn and miles of trees and front porch swings and rocking chairs, I still see country and long dirt roads.
I guess sometimes you just need someone to show you where you are , to take you by the hand and walk you straight to where you "live".
Lucy, there are dirt roads everywhere and while walking down MacDougal Street (New York) for coffee this morning at Reggio, I recalled the cobble stone streets of the my childhood, and hearing my Grandmother speak of "fields and cows in Harlem" when she was young. It's a state of mind. You certainly sound as if you're doing better. Hope that's true.
I know that from my own experiences in life so far that you can't take the country out of a girl. I lived in a big city for almost ten years and I still could smell the dirt. It takes time for things to come together after making such a big change in your life. Your a strong beautiful person and as your friend and old neighbor (Dixon St.) I know in time things will come together and be more clear. You have done a wonderful job with your girls and I have faith that you can make it through anything. Take care and God bless your in my thoughts and prayers.
I would hate to see you change the name of your blog. It fits you...even now you can just look at the "dirt road" as your new direction. A new road or street always starts out as dirt and in time is smoothed out and paved. You have said to me before when I'd comment about you not posting "what do I have to write about" since you don't live down that "dirt road." I see that you still have most all the same things to write about especially your girls. That hasn't changed!! I met you in the city and you were "country" then. It's who you are inside and that will always be no matter where you are or what you are doing.
Lucy- thank you for that post.
I hope you are well.
I agree you can't take the counrty out of the girl, know matter where you are. You still have the country decor, the potted plants and the bibbs (and I bet the shit kickers too) When city gets to you, just take a long drive in the country or visit Reish out there in the sticks with the chickens and all(hey Reish) You'll always be a country girl at heart. Miss ya loads sis Love Anna
country is country no matter where you are.its a heart thing.in my life I found that people come and go but your family is forever.and they are all that really matter.they stick with you .they may get so pi--ed off at you they could ring your neck.but they still love you and stick by you.life is too short to lose the ones you love.I have moved over 20 some times and no matter where I moved I was who Iam {country at heart and the Lord helped me to go on.} He watched my girls and helped them also.one day I will be in the country again in a home of my own,but I will not be alone the Lord will be there with me.He is with you to if you would only look you will see him in the safe place he made for you to be.just remember what I learned in my life."my girls were there when all the men in my life fell far short.and the girls are still here the men are not."your girls are part of you and it will be them who will be there when the smoke clears and the truth is seen.I told you once long ago "its me and you against the world with the Lord to help us. its you and your girls now.love you lucy
I agree about not being able to take the country out of the girl. This is a great post and it sounds a little more like you. You are starting to give me a complex, not visiting my blog... ha-ha Hope you have time to visit one of these fine days. I don't have a current email for you, but just wanted to let you know I think of you often.
Take care and God Bless You
I just wanted to give my condolences for the passing of your gandmother. I know she was well loved and you can't ask for more than that.
Blessings to you and your family.
hey lucy its me jessie. I just want you to know that no matter what happends no matter what choices you make I am standing there right next to you. I want to be there for you... you are one of my BEST friends. I value all of my friendships.... yes even yours. I would never do anything to try to hurt you. just know that ok? you take care of yourself. I love ya!
Buh bye and God bless
Love ya!
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