Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Don't Know

I was never looking to "better" my life just looking for something that was always missing I have hurt people and I am so very sorry for that but life should be lived in a way that makes you ecstatic to be alive and you should emit that feeling to those around you if you are just floating day to day with a sense of incompletion who are you saving by staying...


Blogger joyce said...

Lucy- I can read your pain between the lines. We all know pain. Thats when we need to stay, for without each other we are horribly incomplete.
God bless you Lucy, and I don't mean that in a trite, insincere way. Although we don't know each other,I stand with you in seeking wholeness: we stand shoulder to shoulder.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

30s ennui. It's not a bad place to be, as it's one of self-challenge, introspection, examination, discovery...you'd be surprised where it can lead. Just follow the tunnel.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Blondie said...

I don't have the answers to life's questions, but I agree with you about how life should be lived. Don't apologize for who you are or where you are going. Life is way too short to live in misery. You are only hurting yourself by doing so. Take care and smile, smile, smile like you always make everyone else. I am here if u need an ear anytime of the night or day.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just checking in...hope you're doing alright...

12:58 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Luc I totaly agree life should be lived in a way in which we are happy. Life without happiness is a very lonely feeling. And in my 36 years I have learned that people will not make us happy, happiness we need to find in ourselves. And I hope and pray that you and Kruze both find what you deserve in this life. I love you and Kruze and my two beautiful neices and pray that something good comes from this for all of you. Love you all

8:21 AM  

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