If you base your self worth and self image on how other people see you and what they think of you, do you become that person ? If you go thru a major life change and for a time everything is flipped upside down and turned inside out and you can barely catch a glimpse of the person you once were , if all that is clearly visible is the you that reflects in the eyes of everyone around you is that reflection who you really are?
You know the answers to these questions and there's no need to ponder them any longer.
what a slap in the face-- that crappy, self-serving anonymous spam excuse for humanity.
I have read your post several times now. It is rich and deep, and I don't want to respond with anything trite and meaningless. I will read it another 20 times, then if I think I have anything to say, I will. Just know that you have been heard.
HMMMM Only you and you alone can answer the questions you raise here. I hope that you know that even though we haven't always kept in touch, I am always available to lend an ear. I would never profess to be a wise person and I have and sometimes still ponder these questions.
Your you, just in a differant place in your life and others shouldn't judge you for choices you have made, we all make choices, their our choices to make and they do not determine our worth and they do not reflect who we are as human beings. The only eyes you need to see your reflection in, is in the eyes of the Lord, he see's us all the same no matter what we have done. After all it does say we ALL for short of the glory of God. But to him we are priceless, he sees us with loving and forgiving eyes, unconditionly....
How do you know what people really think of you or the way they see you and if you ask them do you think you will get an honest answer or will they tell you what they think you want to hear. And the answer is NO
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