As Requested...

Here are some pics that were taken over the past year of my braceface...I know that you (Blondie) asked for recent pics "without" the braces, but due to lack of time and my husbands need to photograph various regions further south then my toothy grin we have very few taken of the braceless face, so as soon as possible I will post a few tinsel-less smiles...
For whatever reason I can not get any of the other pics to load so you are now forced to look at the pic of me fishing...and this is what it looks like when I catch a fish that is only slightly bigger then the fish that you win from the "Carnie" at the County Fair...not a good look.. but hey, there are those braces and mighty sparkly they are...
Update 2:
Ok I actually got another pic to and Barley..a "bit" better then the fish pic...
You have to tell me your secret to staying in such good shape and never aging. You and your sis never age! I don't look as great as you two and I am jealous! You are gorgeous! Hope all is well with you and the family.
Thanks for posting the pics! I forgot to tell you that in my other comment!
Luc, even with the brace face you were beautiful. But now with no gaps to stick straws through what will you do in your spare time?
Damn no more Jerry Springer jokes.
So, when am I going to see that wonderful smile in person again? It has been way to long! Those are two great pictures of you...can't wait to see the "new" smile.
Oh you are such a breath of fresh air Luc! I need to call you and catch up! Miss you TONS gal!
I think you should post some pics of yourself on your site I haven't seen you in WAY too many years probably since the "Craig and Jenni" days !! That is WAY too long and by the way little girl I am sure that you are lookin gorgeous as ever!!
You are forgetting that the dental stuff is not quite "finished" and I would say Jerry Springer jokes still fit the mark!! Soon very soon the toothy business will all be over with but until then Girl just let the jokes fly!!Miss you tons!!
I AM SO VERY SORRY that I haven't had a chance to call, I took on three more days a week at work and I haven't been home at all...when I am "at home" Kruze and I have been back to the wood business...load after load out of our back woods and out of the DNR land as well ...also traveling back and forth to see grandma...and Em's(she's been having 2 games a week plus pracice 2 nights a week as well) and Sar's Basketball games and practice it has been a crazy crazy couple of weeks, I will call you tomorrow after Sarah's B-ball game. Miss You Much!!
GIRL WHERE THE HECK HAVE YA BEEN? ;O) Just kiddin' but I do miss ya somethin' fierce!! Ya gotta call me and give me the dirt on this "Friend" of is he doin' and how was Christmas with MR."Friend"? hehehee Call Me and by the way could ya email me a few pics of yourself I have already posted all the pics I took of you...And I gotta do a birthday post ya know...37 is right around the corner...DAMN we are gettin old least your a day younger then me though so its all good!!Right?!! hehehe
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