Monday, July 10, 2006

Simple Distractions...

Lil's class tonight went surprizingly well...I was astonished by her level of concentration. She barely noticed the other dogs...aside from an occasional "baring of her teeth" she simply ignored all of the other dogs and kept her attention directly on me. My first thought she sick? I felt her nose...cold and wet. Did I somehow attach the leash to the collar of the wrong dog? Nope...after careful inspection I determined that it was in fact my Lil. She was amazing, she listened , she sat when told to, she wagged her tail happily at the two dogs on either side of us, I was even able to carry on an entire conversation with the instructor while Lil stared on quietly and obediently...I'm starting to think that enrolling Lilli in puppy class wasn't crazy thinking after all...Maybe she just needed to adjust to a new way of thinking...the way of thinking that requires her to realize that the world really can have more then one little dog inhabiting it. Then again maybe it was because of the Summer sausage I had jammed in my pocket for her treat....

Friday, July 07, 2006

Of This I Am Certain...

....Well I almost had an entire post to write, lots of things about how I have been blessed and how my whole life I have been given so much and how I can see and feel and touch the Blessings that God has given me.
So why then do I still feel like I'm sitting at a folding table at a pancake feed at a baptist church...stuffed but still needing something more?

And while I'm at it... lets just say...I am surrounded by things I do not deserve...beautiful things that take my breath away every time I see them, touch them, feel them.