Happy Happy Happy (Way Late) Birthday JaneAllen!!!

I sooooo know that I should be beaten and FLOGGED within an inch of my life for posting this sooooooo embarrassingly late, but just so that you know I didn't really forget your birthday I never forget birthdays I'm just a big fat irresponsible loser that has a major cerebral conflict with the postal service...as in: I buy the card...I write all kinds of teary-eyed stuff in it ...I seal it...I address it and sometimes I even go so far as to lick the stamp and Stamp it ...and then that is generally where it all goes wrong. I have witnesses to this affliction and I pray to God that this wayward gene has not been passed on to these witnesses!! Kruze won't even let me buy Christmas cards anymore because they all end up in Lucy's "never to be mailed and actually seen by any true recipiant" pile of Greeting Card Hell.I have millions of cards for all occasions that are sealed and addressed in every drawer in my guest room dresser. Its a sickness. I admit it. I only wish there were a cure...or a ICSTMGCA "I Can't Seem To Mail Greeting Cards Anonymous"...Oh there must be others like me out there...we could gather in a small rank dark room and share our shame...
So Janesy I Love Ya Girl and I sure do hope that TWO WEEKS ago you had an AWESOME BIRTHDAY!!!!
Don't feel bad. This year was the first year I sent out Christmas cards to my friends and family before Christmas. I usually get them sent out right before and they arrive late or not at all. I am horrible about sending Cards too. They get made or bought and put in a drawer. I need to be in your group if you have it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE! Hope it was a good one.
Thank you Lucy!!! It was a good one! I got to spend the weekend in a hotel with my girls shopping and going out to eat. It was awsome!
Thanks for thinking of me. You don't need to send me a card. It's just a reminder that I'm getting old(er). ;0)
I forgot to say that the picture aint half bad.
I think you look beautiful in that pic..and I'm not just saying that because I took it!! You are BEAUTIFUL!!
JaneAllen, your beautiful, something Luc and I have always known, inside and outside, and your a true friend. That is why you are dearly loved by the S. sisters. I still think we need to get the girls night out going again for the three birthdays, I miss all the fun over coffee and dessert..
Luc, I still remember finding those Christmas cards in your loft at the old house, addressed and stamped, just never sent, your absentmindedness is why we love you so, never a dule moment around my Feenie, if I were able to spend ever day with my big sis I would never get bored or feel depressed.
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