Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love you both and I hope today is full of and smiles ...

Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great and magical moments...
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year....

No New Years resolutions....why set yourself up for certain failure...why start a new year with huge weights chained to your shoulders...this year I want to start fresh and new with no gigantic expectations just live every day and experience every day as it happens...no expectations doesn't that sound light as air?

I will not loose 20 pounds this year
I will not quit smoking either
or drinking
or bing eating
or swearing
I will not promise to be nicer
or calmer
or less neurotic
I will not lay off the chocolate
or Dorito's
or Twinkies
I will not exercize like a frantic maniac
I will not promise to drive the speed limit
or turn down "seconds" at dinner
I will not promise to go to church every sunday or talk "nice" to phony people...

I will not make promise's to myself that I know I cannot keep...