Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Teaching Her Teacher the Fine Art of Comebacks...

I found this tiny "post it" note in Em's backpack :

Dear Mr.L
When Trevor says comments about you and you don't think its funny and you say "thats about as funny as the way your face looks". That is actually a compliment to Trevor because you are saying his face isn't funny looking! Do you get what I am saying ?!!? So I suggest you think of a different comeback otherwise someone will figure it out!

Signed, Someone

I realize that snooping in my 12 year olds backpack could be considered an invasion of privacy but honestly....how can you expect me to stop when I continue to find these little treasure's!!? It is my God given right as a mother to be a nosy Bitch, so there!! And besides I have a constitutional right to persue happiness...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fat Day...

Being smack dab in the middle of a "Fat Day" me and the girls decided to make Cinnamon Oatmeal cookies and Zucchini Bread.

Fat Day=
Fat Head....Can't process full sentences
Fat Ass....Can't get off the couch
Fat Face....Can't stop snorfing food

In my opinion every woman in the world should be entitled to many consecutive Fat Days...especially since we are constantly being forced to participate in Skinny Days. Skinny days suck.

Skinny Day=
Skinny Head....Must remember millions of minutes worth of schedules and after school activities and play dates and supper menus and grocery lists dentist appts and homework assignments and separating the laundry and it just goes on and on
Skinny Ass....Can't find time to put your ass on the couch
Skinny Face...Pores packed with oxygen blocking layers of moisturizers and make-up

Fat days are such a gift...feeding frenzy-movie watchin'-make-up free-hair of a wild woman-wonderful reckless abandonment of guilt. YEP we live for and even crave Fat Day...

Friday, February 24, 2006

My Beautiful Boy Barley Scopin' out the Pumpkins...Isn't he Stunning?!! Posted by Picasa

Me and My Boy Barley...Remember this day Reish? It was just before Halloween and me and you and Mason were all sitting on the porch lovin' the sun and the lemonade and you took this pic with my camera...we need to relive it this summer (fall) it was an awesome day for chattin' and the kids were having a blast on the trampoline... Posted by Picasa

Me and Barley Talkin'... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Missin' Summer Somethin' Fierce....

Sunday, February 19, 2006

In a certain faraway land, words freeze as soon as they are uttered, so that words spoken go unheard until the return of the sun...~Moralia~ Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Connie!!

"I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with the roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frost-work, but the solidest thing we know."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Conrad...I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday today...I hope everything you see brings a smile to your face...I hope the sun shines extra bright and warms your cheeks and I hope your night is full of belly-laughs and "Fuzzy Navals" !!! Happy Birthday Con....and remember...know matter how old you get...I'll always be one day older...that should bring you your first smile of the day!! Solid Friend ...Love you...

Thank you for the call !! And I LOVED your rendition of the Happy Birthday Song I think you should make a video of you singing it while you practice your new "Belly Dancing " moves!! By the way I think its awesome that I can say that my friend is a Real-Live-Honest-To-Goodness Belly Dancer....WOW COOL IS THAT !!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

More Lilli...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Introducing Lilli...the newest member to our family. Sarah's puppy, Sarah has been saving money since Christmas, every cent of her allowance and Christmas and Birthday money, so that she could buy her very own Jack Russell puppy. She has been very patient and she was very certain that she wanted a Jack Russell so it took us a while to find one. After checking the paper every week we finally spotted an ad for 8 week old pups and they were located close to us too, Kruze went to pick the puppy up, she was born in a pretty little Bed and Breakfast in the country. The people that own the Bed and Breakfast have 7 Jack Russells and they said that they make wonderful family pets . I'm sure Lilli will be a little monster just like Maizy but at least she's "cute as a bugs ear"! So much can be forgiven when the offender is completely adorable...