Happy Happy Happy Birthday Connie!!

"I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with the roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frost-work, but the solidest thing we know."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Conrad...I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday today...I hope everything you see brings a smile to your face...I hope the sun shines extra bright and warms your cheeks and I hope your night is full of belly-laughs and "Fuzzy Navals" !!! Happy Birthday Con....and remember...know matter how old you get...I'll always be one day older...that should bring you your first smile of the day!! Solid Friend ...Love you...
Thank you for the call !! And I LOVED your rendition of the Happy Birthday Song I think you should make a video of you singing it while you practice your new "Belly Dancing " moves!! By the way I think its awesome that I can say that my friend is a Real-Live-Honest-To-Goodness Belly Dancer....WOW COOL IS THAT !!
Thanks Kruz! You know atleast ONE person remembers my birthday, and the only one that counts too!!
And I will come up with a sultry dance and dedicate it to you!! LOL
You are the rock of my mountain of freindship you know.
Love you always friend!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU LUC! I almost forgot to tell ya.
Thanx Blondie you little sweetie!!
Connie, a big Happy Birthday to ya, hope it was a great one, I'm sure if your "friend" spent it with you, it was great. So glad things are going so well for you, keep in touch, miss ya!
Just wanted to let you know that I posted a few new things on my website if ya have the chance to take a look.-blondie
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