Teaching Her Teacher the Fine Art of Comebacks...

I found this tiny "post it" note in Em's backpack :
Dear Mr.L
When Trevor says comments about you and you don't think its funny and you say "thats about as funny as the way your face looks". That is actually a compliment to Trevor because you are saying his face isn't funny looking! Do you get what I am saying ?!!? So I suggest you think of a different comeback otherwise someone will figure it out!
Signed, Someone
I realize that snooping in my 12 year olds backpack could be considered an invasion of privacy but honestly....how can you expect me to stop when I continue to find these little treasure's!!? It is my God given right as a mother to be a nosy Bitch, so there!! And besides I have a constitutional right to persue happiness...
My mother, a rather bawdy woman who died a three years ago (in my family, we die, never pass away, incidentally) was a brilliant psychiatrist. I pass along this brief anecdote to you apropos of "snooping in [your] 12 year olds backpack. By way of background, I raised my children myself. I called her one evening to discuss a tad of guilt over a similar incident. She responded, "Son, you're both Mother and Father. As such, you must remember that Mother's only half a word." Feel free to edit this, should you find it too off color...it is true, however. Take care and raise Em well. My take on parenthood is that you've accomplish the objective of being a fine parent if, when it's all over, they don't live home, don't ask for money and haven't shot you. For the record, my boys are the best thing I've ever done...enjoy it.
That is my neice showing her brilliance again. And it is your God given right to snoop when it comes to your kids. It's a loving parent who keeps tabs on there kids.
I just had to say that although I don't know Em, she is quite brilliant! I think that you should encourage her to give that to the teacher. He would laugh! She could even give it to him anonymously. And, it is your God-given right to snoop! If we don't, they may get into trouble and we only have ourselves to blame for burying our heads in the sand. I know you are an awesome mom!
Take care!
I think Em might just have that gift of being able to say what she means without any problems!! Who does she get that from?!?! As for the snooping...if some day it keeps her out of harms way then snoop away. Like you said...there are treasures to be had too.
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