Introducing Lilli...the newest member to our family. Sarah's puppy, Sarah has been saving money since Christmas, every cent of her allowance and Christmas and Birthday money, so that she could buy her very own Jack Russell puppy. She has been very patient and she was very certain that she wanted a Jack Russell so it took us a while to find one. After checking the paper every week we finally spotted an ad for 8 week old pups and they were located close to us too, Kruze went to pick the puppy up, she was born in a pretty little Bed and Breakfast in the country. The people that own the Bed and Breakfast have 7 Jack Russells and they said that they make wonderful family pets . I'm sure Lilli will be a little monster just like Maizy but at least she's "cute as a bugs ear"! So much can be forgiven when the offender is completely adorable...

Congratulations on your new "baby" Sar!! She's adorable. I hope she brings you many happy days.
Looks like a little cutie!! I'm sure she's already being spoiled knowing how Sar is with animals. How's Maizy handling her newest family member? Can't wait to meet her...Sunday after church?!?!?
Lilli is very sassy and she acts just like her naughty big sister Maizy...Maizy is havin' a bit of a tough time adjusting to the new baby..mostly because they are sooo much alike, it brings back Maizys puppy days memories...
Congratulations on the newest member of your family. She is cute! Love the pic of her in the new clothes. CUTE! Check out my blogspot for some more pics LUC!
Can't wait to see the new "baby", she's such a little cutie. And I bet if Maisy has any help in the raising, Lili will be just as naughty and sassy as she is. Miss you guys.
Oh and a big Birthday wish to you Luc check out my post. I put a good pic not the one I wanted too, thought you might get mad.
She is so cute, Lucy If we were to shave your ass and teach you to walk backwards you would be a small step closer to being cute!!!
me supreme Jackass!! Even shaving your ass wouldn't get you any closer to anything that even resembles cute!! heheheehe Anna what were you thinking when you said...I do ??? I should have grabbed you and threw you over my shoulder and ran down the isle and back out of the in your gobbs of White fluffiness and me in my Pepto Pink horror of a froofy dress!!
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