10 to12 Medium Apples (I love over-stuffed Pies)
1/4 Cup Flour
1 Cup Sugar
1 to 2 Tsp Cinnamon (I go heavy on the cinnamon we love it)
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 Tsp Ginger
Combine sugar/ cinnamon/ nutmeg/ ginger/ flour and set aside. Peel core and slice apples and add to spice mixture let stand for 5 minutes to allow apples to marinade. Pour apple mixture into prepared pie crust.Place fourTbsp of cold butter slices on top of apple mixture before adding the top crust.Add second crust crimp edges as desired and using a knife cut three slices into top of pie to allow steam to escape. Bake @ 400 for 1 hour cool slightly and serve.We love ours with Vanilla Ice Cream. YUMMMM
I usually use a frozen pie crust when I'm in a hurry ...although if we are having guests for supper I make the crust homemade...here is a recipe that my mother gave me...its virtually fail proof (a plus if you knew the story behind my apple pie disasters!!)
Fail Proof Pie Crust
2 Cups Flour
1 1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
5 Tbsp Ice Cold Water
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl just until moistened making sure not to "over-handle" dough. Separate into two balls. Place one ball in between two sheets of parchment paper and roll out .Repeat with second ball. Remove parchment (obviously ;0) ) Then prepare pie.