Thursday, September 15, 2005

Best Dressed Animal Portfolio...

Just so that ya all don't be sendin' me a whole lot of hate mail...I swear these models were treated with the utmost respect and dignity...ok...well... maybe not dignity but I respect the fact that they are good sports and play along peacefully...and besides they both know that there are huge rewards (puppy and kitty snacks all around) after each session...And Em and Sar always try to coordinate clothing and accessories and are careful to be sure that only a tasteful amount of fur is showing. Its all about modesty...


Blogger Anna said...

I have witnessed Em and Sar's animal dressup sessions in all it's glory and let me tell you those animals are treated quite nicely in fact they seem to go back for more. What is the hold that those to have over animals that there mother(you) is otherwise lacking. Its one of those freak things that can't possilbe be explaned.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After looking at all the pictures you can tell that they aren't minding all the fuss. I think the treats are just an added bonus on top of all the love that they are getting!!

8:39 PM  
Blogger Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

Hmm, for some reason (and I think it might be my computer) I'm seeing several boxes with red X's...I'll try again later.

I have a beagle, too...they make great friends:)

(Oh,and as of this moment, you're still in the houseblogs web ring...maybe your site doesn't get published on their main page when you update, but you haven't been removed from their listing:-} )

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim..I didn't realize I was still on their web ring..they sent me an email about 2 months ago telling me that they were removing me altogether. I am surprized that they left me on the ring.. Cool. Well I guess maybe I should post some of our renovation photos to show my appreciation..Thanx for letting me know.

You have a beagle too..aren't they just the sweetest (along with a few other unflattering characteristics ;0) ) I think they have the greatest personality and such a "strong sense of self" ;0) Ya gotta love them!

6:40 AM  
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2:02 PM  

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