Its Pumpkin Time!! I do love fall but I am not lovin' the freezing fingers and the runny nose or the frost on the windshield in the mornin' or the 2 extra layers of clothing ...I am lovin' the colors of the trees and all the pumpkins and the smell of wood burning in our woodstove and endless mugs full of hot cocoa and whip cream.....

Luc I'll be comin for that hot cocoa with whip cream in the mugs your hubs bought for ya as soon as I can. And that woodstove will have to sisters setting infront of it gabbin tell the wee hours of the morn. Miss ya loads. Cute picture of the maisers. And a cute picture next to your profile, you got it figured out and I bet you didn't have to yell at the hubby for messin things up like I did. He finally figured it out for me and boy did I have to pay for that one. (you know what I mean, he's on the reward system)
Ahh, Fall! Are those your pumpkins L??
I had to turn the furnace on for the first time today... couldnt take the cold hands, nose, and feet! Gotta get my storms out and put them up! EWWWWWWW
And (gasp) plastic on the windows!
Hey Girls...back into the normal swing of things and I promise no more K.U I'm back to bloggin the normal stuff...yep Con those are my pumpkins..we have a mess of them all over the garden and even in the farmers field..he was a sweetie and let me plant some along the edge of the corn...I know what you mean about the cold fingers and toes..but how very exciting to be spending your first fall in the new house!! Could ya email me your address..I have somethin' for ya Con...Later girls Love ya Lotz !! P.S Anna can't wait til your here sippin' cocoa and watchin' chick flicks with me and the girls!!
Save a mug of cocoa for me Lucy!! Fall is an awesome time with all the color changes and there's nothing like a crisp morning to get you moving fast!! Just wish I didn't know what's to follow...I am not ready for that season!!
Reish I know what you mean I love winter and sitting inside under a cozy blanket and watching the snow fall...and I love to shovel snow(I'm weird I know)...but I absolutely hate driving in the winter...especially after work (at midnite)and I hate the fact that ya can't open any windows in the house and I hate the cold nose,cold fingers and cold toes...
Your not weird Lucy...I even like shoveling snow the first dozen times or so...after that I am so done with it!! I am with you about not being able to open windows...then again I can't open most of ours even in the summer!! Who would put windows in without screens?!?! Can't wait to get those all replaced...Oh how this 99 year old house will be looking when it's finished getting its EXTREME makeover (20 years from now!!!)!!!!!!!!
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