Count down to Keith..Two days til Anna and I are seein' the "Urban-ator" in person........"Take your cat and leave my sweater..cause we've got nothin' left to weather..in fact I feel a whole lot better..but you'll think of meeee... ya you'll think of meeee"....Sing it Keith you know I love ya baby!!

Urban-ator love that Luc! Can't wait I"M SOOO EXCITED I'm packin an extra pair of panties just in case I wet myself....Never been to a concert that wasn't at a county fair except for the Romantics concert Jane and I went to at the College field house, remember Jane we were next to the speakers that were taller than us, you bought a teeshirt, I bought a picture, and we were deaf for a few days after, hows that for memory?
Lucy you are so funny. You're reminding me of a certain some one when dealing with a Toby concert...ME!! Bet you and Ann are going to have a blast. Can't wait to hear all the details and see all the pictures!!!
Anna I can't believe you remembered! Awsome!! I hope you guys have LOTS of fun. But, behave yourselves. You do have children to think about!!lol
Behave!!? We fully intend to make big huge fools of ourselves cryin' and weepin' and wavin' our baby lighters in the air while screeching tone-deaf lyrics to the top of our lungs!! I may even be begged to sing back-up vocals!!I'm sure to the horror of every fan that doesn't happen to be deaf!!
Just promise me you'll keep MOST of your clothes on, OK??
Have fun!!!
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