Of This I Am Certain...
....Well I almost had an entire post to write, lots of things about how I have been blessed and how my whole life I have been given so much and how I can see and feel and touch the Blessings that God has given me.
So why then do I still feel like I'm sitting at a folding table at a pancake feed at a baptist church...stuffed but still needing something more?
And while I'm at it... lets just say...I am surrounded by things I do not deserve...beautiful things that take my breath away every time I see them, touch them, feel them.
So why then do I still feel like I'm sitting at a folding table at a pancake feed at a baptist church...stuffed but still needing something more?
And while I'm at it... lets just say...I am surrounded by things I do not deserve...beautiful things that take my breath away every time I see them, touch them, feel them.
Apropos of the "folding table at a pancake feed at a baptist church," the following true story: After he had been on the Supreme Court for several years, Justice Felix Frankfurter visited a Gentile friend while traveling across the country. His friend, very proud to host a Supreme Court Justice, took Frankfurter to lunch at his country club. After lunch he asked Frankfurter what he thought of the elegant club. Frankfurter said it was very nice, although it was a shame that it did not admit Jews.
His friend, surprised, said he had no idea if that was true, and ran off to inquire. He returned a few minutes later, horribly embarrassed, and admitted that Frankfurter was right. He then asked the Justice how he, a stranger, had known of the club's policy when a member had been ignorant of it. There were no signs or any other indications.
"It was the food," Frankfurter explained.
As to being deserving, I'm rather a secular Jew, but I suspect that what God's provided is what he's provided and deserved.
Stay well.
Keep your head up. I've followed your blog for six or eight months. I was drawnd to your blog by your lane, which is similar to the one at the farm I grew up to. The last time I wrote was about my sister-in-law's, rottweilers, the slugs, remember?
Anyway, my perception of you is that when you get into bed every night, there are no regrets. You don't wish you'd done one more thing with your kids, or treated a stranger differently. If I get that feeling from your blog, the people surrounding you must feel it way, way more than I do. My humble opinion is you are a beautiful person. In another humble opinion, I am one lucky SOB. Wonderful wife, two beautiful healthy kids, a new home, a well paying, stress free job. So why do I at times feel as if I need something more? When I get that way I have to consciously tell myself how lucky I am, how blessed I am to have what I do. So keep those blessings in the front of your mind and keep doing what you are doing.
In light of all I'm not realy sure what to say to your post. And what others think is totally irrelevant. Its easy for one to see the blessings one has been given but not so easy for one to except and hold on to those blessings. To want more is to be human. More or differant is not always a good thing though. One must really follow their heart cautiously!
You have truly been blessed and you have deserved all of them!
I have been at those pancake feeds and went back for more and ended up with one hell of a tummy ache for my efferts.if its Gods will for you it will be easy, and good will come out of it.but if it isnt then its hard and makes one heck of a mess.blessings come from God all the time.He loves to bless His kids to the fullest.but there is another one out there who longs to steal from you all that is good and nice.and he trys to do it by making you think your missing something you useally are,getting in to trouble!ever been to a church cake walk? you walk down this long line and your mouth is watering cause those women can bake.you walk down the line looking for just the right cake to take home.you brought one your self and you know its good.but you want to buy a differant one to take home.you finely see one with all the stuff you think you want on it. and you get in line and take it over to pay for it .but just as you get nearly up to pay a lady says that is my friends cake she is a new baker and she winks at you.you wonder what she ment?but its the one you think will be just right for your annivercy supper with your husband.you herry home and get everything ready.you light the candles and set the table.and get his faverit meal out of the oven.and put it on the table.soon he comes through the door and kisses you.you eat supper and all was sooo perfect.then you say honey do you have room for desert.for a second he gets the wronge idea.no dear that comes later you say.you go get the cake.cut two big slices and bite into it.you spit it out and you hasband spits and says what the!!!! and you see what you see isnt always what you need or.and addvice seems to be more inportant now.want and need are real differant.says in the word My God shell pervide all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.it doesnt say all our wants.when my little daughter was young she seen the blue flame on the gas stove .now she thought it was pretty and was just about to reach to touch it.I caught her just before she was able to burn her little hand.she cryed and cryed cause she wanted it.but I knew it would hurt her.so I pertected her from it.that is how God is.he says stay away from this or that so you dont get hurt.but if we reach anyway we get hurt.be sure the cake you reach for is one that God had a hand in baking.he knows how to bake.and you wont have to spit it out.if you ask God will help you make wise chioces.if it lines up with Gods laws your safe to pick it, if not look out.then its a temptation and those babys can ripe you a new backside.
Otherwise known as "heart longings". We are primarily spirit, and I believe our spirits yearn for more- for whats yet to come, for full intimate knowledge and relationship with God. I believe we were made that way, and that it indicates not dissatisfaction, selfishness, or greed, but reflects the longings of our hearts and spirit.
proverbs 3;5-6"trust in the Lord with all your heart;and lean not upon thine own understanding.in all your ways ackknowledge him,and he shall direct thy paths."have enjoyed your blog very much.keep up the good work.its refreshing and ineresting to say the lest.but in my travels and many incounters in life I have found one never hears the whole story.it helps to have all the details to make wise choices.a lawyer friend of mine side there is always two sides to every story.this world has feasts of plenty.but the person must be carefull not to get in the wronge one.keep for more of what God has for you but be sure it is from him.this life is short and a choice made in haste can surely end in waste.willow
Something More. I think alot of people want more,more love,attention, money,the list is never ending. I have recently begun to understand is that other people don,t make you happy, only YOURSELF can make you happy. Spouses,Kids,Friends,pets,they enhance your life,bring you fun,laughs,make you proud.I think alot of people go thru a MORE situation when they reach milestones in their life,turning 30,40,50,loss of a friend or family member ,deadend job,everyone is different. Women may flirt with someone that pays attention to them,some men buy a sportscar to get the attention of a younger coworker that they talk to,or even may get a MOLLY. Whatever the situation is I think we just want our lives to be exciting all the time,It,s in movies and books, why not my life ?
Did you ever notice that when they make a movie about a true story they always say BASED on a true story.I dont know how many movies I have seen where after it I checked the facts and found they changed major parts of it. Film makers leave out alot of bad and the boring everyday things we must all go thru. You probably make tough and easy decisions everday that effect your spouse and kids from as big as you familys health and finances or small as what bedtime book to read the kids. Why God has people rich with money but not love or rich with love but no money only he can answer ,maybe some have both or neither.If God has a certain person meant for everyone why is he only right half the time in the U.S. ? wouldn,t you think HE could get it perfect ? Maybe he does get it right everytime , maybe WE just screw it up, look at how many beatiful things their are in the world and we are shooting nucleur bombs into the oceans, now thats screwed up. We are more worried about gas prices than people starving to death.Its 2006 people, not one person on earth should be hungry. I cant think of a more horrible way to die. Billionaire Warren Buffet is going to give away 30 billion to charities,I can only hope that the people who need it actually get it. So should they give 1 million familys $30,000 or 100 million $300 . Which one will have the biggest impact? Not gonna happen anyway.I know this probably is the longest comment ever and I,m sorry I used your blog for it but I just want to help. I feel like I,m going off on a Dennis Miller rant with a little Carrie Bradshaw mixed in.I have never been accused of being a talker,so this is rare,Im a thinker. Sometimes people say things to me and I don,t respond the way they want,I heard them I just didn,t know what to say and it may take me day to have a response.
Some think thats bad but if I had a serious question I would want the person to think and not give me the easy answer or what they think I want them to say.Everything around you is choices that you have made and I think you are very smart ,the world is very confusing place so I like to keep my little plot of land simple.Some may say thats boring,I say it,s relaxing.When or if you find the answer to your MORE problem please let us all know.You will probably get kicked off of blogspot for me taking up to much space, sorry.Nice talking C.M
Isn't it called "drive". Count it as one of your blessings. You have the drive to do more, learn more, live more. It's ok. It's a good thing. That drive will keep you young and active. The time we have is so short. There is so much in the world to discover. The more we discover, the more we learn, the more we realize what we don't know. It's a circle. Can you imagine your life without that drive? How sad that would be.
Thought provoking context.
I have to say...Thank you all for the comments...and thank you to a few new commentors as well...and Anonymous I do remember the comment you made about your sister-in-laws rottweilers. I remember you.
All of you had such amazing things to say...and very intuitive as well. Thank You for reading my blog and adding your words and thoughts I love reading your comments and look forward to each of them. I think a blog is an extention of yourself a small way of sharing bits and pieces of yourself with others...the bits and pieces that you wish to share. Though there are some things that no matter how much you wish you could share them...just need to be kept to yourself. I may not have given you all of the details but somehow you guys just know what to say. I am grateful for each and everyone of you.
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That is just plan piggish!! Yuck some people are so disgusting and depraved!! I would be describing the last commenter who felt the need to leave his completely unimaginative website link on my blog....PIG...Thank God for the delete button!
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