Em's Golden Birthday...

Em's birthday was on the 13th it was her golden birthday...which means two things....she is no longer "just" a preteen...and she is a full blown bonafided TEENAGER...complete with the phone surgically attached to her ear and the keys on the laptop keyboard superglued to her finger tips...the first thing she does when she wakes up in the morning is check to see if any of her friends are online...and if they are...her face is plastered to the screen. The most I get out of her is a "what ?" "Gosh mom your such a loser"!! Ok, she is laughing when she says this so I usually let her live.
We spent Em's birthday doing girl things with my sister (Hi Anna !! Love Ya!!)
we had a blast, I took Em to get her ear pierced two more times (she now has three holes in her right ear...she's such a punk) and then we got her hair cut in a Salon in town...the girl that cut Em's hair was almost naked and very "cutting edge" she had short messy layers with about a gazillion shades of reds and browns and blacks in her hair...I was sure my daughter would walk out of there with some crazy
razored-up hack job and at one point the hairstylist actually did use a razor blade on Em's hair, Anna and I were Freakin'...What in the Name of "Aunt Ilene's cabbageless coleslaw" is she going to do with THAT ?!!!! But it turned out great...and I gave the stylist a big tip..."here honey take this money and buy yourself a shirt to go over that bra"....just kidding...but that was a lot of cleavage to leave layin' around!!
After Em's hair was finished and we left "BOOB's ARE US" we went shopping and Em found lots of fun stuff and bought some of it with her birthday money, then we had great big waffle cones jammed full of ice cream from a cute little shop on Main Street (every town in the whole world should have a "Cute Little Shop on Main Street" that sells humongously huge ice cream filled waffle cones) how can you possibly have a bad day with ice cream in your face and all over it? By the way here's a little some thing funny that happened regarding ice cream all over someones face...after the ice cream we stopped to get a movie from the video store to watch after supper...we all went in and found one right away...while we were up at the counter renting it...the guy behind the desk kept starring at me...I was torn between thinking "what do I have food in my teeth" and "Hmmmm maybe I'm lookin' kinda cute today"...I didn't think much of it and then when we left and got into the car I was backing out of the parking lot and I looked up into the rearview mirror and suddenly realized what the starring was all about....Peanut Butter flavored Chocolate ice cream all over my face...so what can I say College-boy when this girl eats ice cream her whole face is involved...Get Over It...and by the way loving family of females that were with me during the entire video shopping experience...I know that at some point one of you did see the huge amounts of chocolate all over my face...thanx for the heads up...Thanx for "Havin' my Back"...Sheesh !!!
Happy Birthday Em!!! It sounds like ALL you guys had an awesome day!I especially love the funny story about you and ice cream. Miss ya tons!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Janesy!! I mss you too! We should get together and do a girls night out again...who needs a birthday to celebrate?!! Bring on the Margaritas!!
Happy Birthday, Em. Lucy, now you're in for it. I used gaffer tape and a switch. They grew up just fine and don't ask for money and don't live at home.
Stay in touch.
Happy Golden Birthday Em!! Wow...a teenager. Hard to believe since I can remember you at 6. How time flies. Hope you had a great day. Lucy, you are to funny. For some reason I'm not surprised with the overlook by the others...would have been a good laugh to have seen you. Miss you tons!
Okay, so you really, REALLY need a marguerita!!
I particularily like the "tip-with-a-condition"- were you able to tell if both her nipples were pierced as well? so tempting.......
You always manage to make me laugh! Sounds like a great day and tell Em happy birthday.
Take care and email when u can.
hey lucy see you have botten pushing problems too.three comments the same.get your delete botten going girl or janesy will think you got a studer!!!hehehe.yes I liked your story to about the ummmmm ice cream.give me a heath bare blizzered and Ill follow you anywhere.well not to the under regen but most places.hehehe.well I will tell you Iam finely up and running thank the Lord and the reload botten.can,t wait to see em,s hair.love mom.check out the new post.
Geez Sally give it a rest.
Luc am I way behind on the coments or what, I need to start gettin back on the computer more so I can get caught up....That was an awesome day had so much fun, could have done without miss cleavage though and I swear I knew nothing about the icecream on your face can't speak for Em and Sar but I bet they would have told you (you know them being all cool and all,and not wanting to be embarassed by mom)
Had loads of fun with you guys at the fair too this weekend and Reish was hilarious (hey Reish) and Mason was such a cutie Jacob realy took to him he said to me "Mom can fig and I have alittle brother"? I said "umm let me think about that one, NO"
Miss you guys tons!
Get postin girl(I should talk)
And although Lucy tried with all her might to halt the passage of time, inevitably, August the 16th came and went, and all wondered-- How Does Emma Tolerate Wearing That Straw Hat For A Solid Month?!
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