Update (Lesson 2)...
First of all I have to say that I think if I just would have made a post to my blog "Please Give Me All of Your Best Advice on Training My Lil" I would have been better off. You all have such great suggestions and I think the only thing this puppy training class is accomplishing is confusing Lil...Lil already knows the "sit" command she learned that one immediately as a tiny little pup (she is very smart)the instructors in class do not want me to use the word "sit" with her they want me to use a piece of a treat to coax her into the sit positon....Lil has know idea what the heck is expected of her and until she sits "their" way (we tried cheating: I whispered "sit" and of course Lil "sat" and I gave her a great big piece of cheese we were extremely proud of ourselves until we realized that we had been caught and the trainer was standing looking at us and shaking his head No...DANG Double DANG!!) we can't work on the next command which is "come", the "come" command is really the one Lil and I need to focus on...Lil thinks "come" means stalk off to any where other then where I am telling her to be...she finds any piece of furniture in the house and immediately puts herself between it and me the minute I say "come" and then she stands there staring at me thru her beady little eyes challenging me to "come" and get her. Lil is an absolute joy to have in this house and I mean that in the sincerest way she is funny and sweet and she has an amazing little personality I do not wish to change her little personality in any way. I really only have two things that I was hoping to get out of the puppy classes...I was hoping to get her a little more acceptable of new dogs (she trys to kill all new dogs regardless of shape or size) and I was hoping to be able to take her for a walk without needing to perform mouth to mouth recessation on her after every step (she pulls so hard on her leash that she literally gets no oxygen.
I do not want to "badmouth" the trainers of Lil's class for the most part they seem to be helping the other puppy's...it just feels to me that they are trying to send Lil backwards and that is not a direction Lil is willing to travel...
On the up side of things...When we were at our last class I bought Lil a new leash and collar with little ladybugs all over them and while I was paying for them I was talking to the girl behind the desk about how Lil isn't fabulous at the "walking" thing and the girl gave me a couple of really great tips on how to get Lil to be a little more "enjoyable" on a walk...I have since tried them and Lil and I have been practicing them and we both seem to agree that walking in this manner is much more fun for both of us..."Maybe the girl behind the desk" should be "The girl in the front of the pup class on that great big rubber floor"....
Oooops...I almost forgot to say Thank You All for all of your great advice...Lil and I appreciate any thing you might come up with and we both agree (I am speaking on her behalf) that anything you might think of in the future we would love to hear...we are open to any and all suggestions and tips on the training of "us". Thanks Again You Guys Are Awesome!!
I do not want to "badmouth" the trainers of Lil's class for the most part they seem to be helping the other puppy's...it just feels to me that they are trying to send Lil backwards and that is not a direction Lil is willing to travel...
On the up side of things...When we were at our last class I bought Lil a new leash and collar with little ladybugs all over them and while I was paying for them I was talking to the girl behind the desk about how Lil isn't fabulous at the "walking" thing and the girl gave me a couple of really great tips on how to get Lil to be a little more "enjoyable" on a walk...I have since tried them and Lil and I have been practicing them and we both seem to agree that walking in this manner is much more fun for both of us..."Maybe the girl behind the desk" should be "The girl in the front of the pup class on that great big rubber floor"....
Oooops...I almost forgot to say Thank You All for all of your great advice...Lil and I appreciate any thing you might come up with and we both agree (I am speaking on her behalf) that anything you might think of in the future we would love to hear...we are open to any and all suggestions and tips on the training of "us". Thanks Again You Guys Are Awesome!!
Now, take all of the advice you've received and try it with a cat.Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Now that is funny!! Refugee!! You have a great holiday too!!
I don't have any great advice accept to be consistent and you will be rewarded. Also, your sweet lil will get used to other dogs the more she is around them I am sure. Take heart and don't be so hard on yourself.
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