Maizy's Current Favorite Song...
...Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me..don't cha... don't cha...don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me...don't cha...don't cha....(sing it like a thong wearin' pop star Maizy!!!)I am positive this song was written for the Maizster...she thinks she is all that and a box of milk bones just look at her!!)

Have to say that is the most sassy pose I have ever seen and I believe the thong underwear would not do her any justice!! She really is the new number one Diva!! Sorry to hear about your recent surgery our thoughts and prayers are with you. Still look forward to are visit in the future. Maybe we can get together after the new year?!!
Thank you Carrie I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers, I think everything will be fine tomorrow I have a post op doctors appt. so he should hopefully have some answers fo rme then. We will definately get together and I think right after new years would be great because then we can still have an excuse to pig out on cookies and bars and all the other fattening holiday treats!! Hope to see you soon.
She is looking quite sassy!! Or maybe she's just a little put off by having her sleep interrupted for yet another picture!! Such a cutie can't go without plenty of beauty sleep!!
Cute picture. I think she is quite a "ham" for the camera. She could be america's next top model. You should send her pic in and see what kind of a response you get. Some of the women they have on that show are definitely a lot more "dog" looking than maisy is. Take care-Blondie
Deffinately another great Maisy shot, and I do think that song was writen for her. As always Ted sends his Love to his beagle. xoxoxoxo
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