Saturday, November 26, 2005

Power Door Locks..and looking for a sharp instrument with which to slit my wrists...

Last night after work(at midnight) I realized that all the forces of nature are HELL BENT on making me look like a complete moron...and not just in front of myself which would be completely exceptable. Forces... hell bent on making sure I look completely Brain~Dead in front of many many many people...people walking thru the parking lot and staring at the weirdo woman kicking her stupid truck and throwing her purple window scraper at her stupid truck. I swear to all that is Holy and Pure I DID NOT HIT THE POWER DOOR LOCKS after putting the key into the ignition and turning the truck on...WHY WOULD I !? I just simply turned the cold (frigid) truck on and cranked the heat, then I grabbed the purple scraper and shut the door so that the truck could warm up while I why then when I reached for the door handle and pulled, did my truck refuse to let me in!? There it sat ...engine running...heat blasting to levels reaching the temperature of the suns surface while I stood freezing in a parking lot full of nosy people. I kicked it ...I shook it...I begged it...and I abused it with the scraper...and there it sat, a completely unrelenting bitch! I had to make that dreaded phone call...the one that will inevitably cost you and cost you BIG...hello Mr. Locksmith...I realize that it is MIDNIGHT and you are all warm and cozy and there is sleep in your voice 15 minutes later he is 60 bucks richer and opening my riders side door then he turns to me and says (nicely and without a hint of malice) you'd be suprized how many people lock their keys in their cars with the engine running...Me: Well... that may be so Sir...but my truck locked me out, ALL-BY-IT-SELF....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Events like that are what make you so damn cute . Don't ever change. Love ya , Kruze

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a gift of being able to put a smile on our faces and to help us see the funny side to everything, not to mention leaving us shaking our heads in amazement at all the things you get yourself into!! :o) I agree with Kruze...don't ever change!

6:48 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

KRUZE you posted!!! And such a sweet post at that!! Love you too!!

3:34 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Hey Reish glad to be of service ;O) at least my dingyness serves some purpose in life hehehe if it can put a smile on my favorite peoples faces then the constant humiliation is all worth while ;o)

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL.... in there with you Luc! I had a squeeling belt.. instead of taking it to repair, I bought some stuff that just sprays on and makes it quit squeeling! Well, 120 dollars later for the tow truck to come get me at the "infamous" wayside (you know the one between the exits!) thinking I would be accousted if I get outta my car, it now sits where it should have gone in the first place! The repair shop... sigh.

Glad you cuss and swear too..... I didnt swear till I rolled down the window to clear the smelt rubber smell, then realize, IN THE RAIN, that when your alternator belt breaks, and you have power windows, when the battery drains, you sit in the rain.


6:58 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Now Luc we all know a door can't lock itself. I feel honored to be in the same absentminded category as my big sis. I can totally relate. It must be some freak family gene knowone told us about. Like my hubby says "never a dull moment with ya woman". And I can tell the Kruze see's things the same way about you! I think they just feel sorry for us dont ya think.

7:08 AM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Con..OH MY GOD!!!You were alone in the dark at "THE" wayside!!??!! In the rain!!? With your window stuck in the wide open position!!? THAT is like A HORROR movie!! Holy Crap! Well one good thing about "that" wayside...the "only" good thing..I don't think that those "particular" people are "deranged" just "deprived" a very subtle but important difference...Thank God for the tow truck man and his white horse and shining armor!!
And thanx for the great laugh too...birds of a feather flock together...I'm soooo happy we are in the same flock.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Anna are absolutely correct "a door cannot lock itself" that bitch of a truck locked the doors...thats my story and I'm' to it! Honestly I did not hit those locks..and I'm pretty sure I heard a menacing snicker coming from under the hood as I stood freezing and cursing in the snow!! True...though it could just as easily have come from one of the useless bystanders collecting around me to enjoy the show...we shall never know...
As for Kruze..he is practically a Saint with all the stuff he has to put up with!! Thank God he thinks its cute or I'd probably be living in a cardboard refrigerator box in a dirty alley some where!! He has told me several times that his life would be unbelievably boring if he had married a "normal" person...Thanx Hon...not sure if its a cut or a compliment but I'll take it. hehe

10:42 AM  

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