More Beagle Boasting...

I honestly hope that the constant posting of my beagle is not getting old and boring...but really her face just belongs on a screen of some sort...she just radiates adorableness (if that is a word). These pictures were all taken last week while she was sitting in the living room begging to be photograghed...can you tell how she loves the lime light, she tries new poses and facial expressions after each flash of the camera and that is sooo not even close to being an exaggeration. Just look at the expressions and the look in her eye she is totally lovin' the attention and the adoration. I just gotta love that dog! If only you all could experience the full extent of her "Maizyness" you would love her too....
I swear second picture down, she's smiling. So cute!
Kathy I would have to agree there is possitively a beagle grin on her face she knows she "stunning"! ;o)
OH Luc... that pic of you with molly.... could you email me a larger file????
I wanna it for my album!! You are soooo lovely in that pic!!!!
Well thanx Con ya little sweetie...and here I was thinking it could be a poster pic for the "see how people resemble their pets" movement. Although if I were to tell the truth Maizy would probably be offended that I even implied that her and I resemble each other...I will send you the pic if you want it.And speakin' of sendin' pics could you send me a few..I was thinkin' of doing another Conrad post...and I need some visuals...I have a pic that I could use but I'm not so sure you would approve...remember the hair coloring adventure...the bag on your head with all the little pieces of hair pulled thru and the butterfly t-shirt? Is it comin' back to ya? I still think that is the greatest shot of all time..but I wouldn't post it...I love ya too much!! All though as awful as it sounds...I still think that you looked could be gorgeous even in a gunny sack and tube socks!! Its that Goldie Hawn smile!!
Ahhh, double blackmail.. I remember that pic... do you remember the M&M pic... I still got it! LOL
Oh, and the early 80's version of you from my mom too... LOL
As soon as I am on my feet, will do a pic... I love the atttention you know...
And I do have the "nice puppys" shot in my album! LOL
Hummm... gonna have to go dig out the M&M pic just to make sure...
Con YOU WOULDN"T!!!! I don't mind the M&M shot...but that 80's beret and army jacket shot had better not find its way to the public !! That is just NASTY!! And frankly no one should ever have that image etched in their memories!! It is painful to look at and even harder to scrape it from the mind after you've seen it...WHAT WAS I thinking?!!
Hey love these pics of Maisy and I wonder if people know that you and your beagle share the same big beautiful eyes, color and all, its hard to tell in the pics though. Quite the beauties. Miss you so much!
Miss you too Anna..and thank you for the compliment about the eyes..Maizy's are beautiful and I would be honored to think that mine are as pretty as hers...of cousre she knows she's a stunner just look at how she works the camera...
Love the picture with Maisy wearing the hat. The one of the two of you is pretty good too. That beagle is so worth boasting about...she's a sweetie!!
Hey Reish I love the pic with Maizy in the hat too she's such a charmer!!
Hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your pic of Maizy with her hat. I've started a new blog with pet news and she fit right in.
Not a problem Kath...I don't mind sharin'... maybe just a mention of where you got it and I might even get a little traffic to my blog..we both win hehehe
Absolutely you get credit. Drop on by and leave a comment if you'd like to.
Thought of you and your barn cats this weekend as my daughter just lost two of her cats to distemper. She still has one in the hospital and one at home in quarantine. The other three have been vacinated and are not showing signs as of yet.
So sad for them as their cats are their children.
Looking forward to your next blogs. Until then.
Hey very sorry to hear about your daughters cats it is so sad to see that happen to part of your family(and pets are such a big part of family)I hope all goes well with the healthy ones. I will defineately check out your new site just as soon as I get my bottom back (alittle sore yet) I bet your site is awesome can't wait to see it....take care girl!!
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