In Dreams....
Last night I had a dream. I wouldn't call it recurring...though it was similar to dreams I have had before. I dreamt that I was standing on the bank of a great big lake I was very near the edge, just looking across the water and suddenly all of my teeth fell right out of my head, every single one dropped from my mouth. I was standing there horrified when a man came to me and kept trying to help me put them back in I was crying and sobbing he kept saying "please don't cry I'll help you" but they just wouldn't stay where they were supposed to be. Then I was sitting in my Dentist's big office chair , while my dentist turned on all kinds of noisy equipment while he was trying to explain to me that he would have to do brain surgery on me and everything would be ok. Only he would need to have the Pizza delivery man help him with the procedure because all of his Dental assistants were off for the day. Every time I tried to tell him that he couldn't do brain surgery he was only a dentist he would turn on the noisy equipment so that he couldn't hear a word I was saying. I kept begging him to let me go but he just kept saying no, stay, you'll be fine. You'll be fine. But I didn't feel fine, I felt trapped, in that big office chair.
There's quite a bit of discussion currently regarding Freud and dreams, validity of the thesis, etc. While it won't interpret your dream, you might take a look at Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, which is available in paperback; if you're interested in an historical perspective.
Were I using that dream in a piece of writing it would convey variously: the dissolution of time, opportunities lost, conflict of choices and of course, concerns that life is static.
Having said that, it could just as well mean that you lust for a hot fudge sundae or a milkshake. Personally, I never put much stock in dreams, though they are what make you real.
HMMM, Have you ever listened to the dream analyzer on the radio? I think that the dream could have something to do with a.your love for your beautiful teeth, are trying to hold onto something that you aren't able to or is lost, c.there is a situation you have no control over(possibly getting your grandma to a state closer to you) Just a guess, albeit a bad one, but just thought I'd put my two cents in.... you know I am always good at that.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
I thought I had wacko dreams. I must say that I have never dreamed someone tried to do brain surgery on me, let alone the dentist. I have, however, dreamed about my teeth falling out so many times I just spit them out now (in the dreams) In my dreams, I just peel them out of my mouth like peeling a banana. The last one always seems to stick. Next thing I know, I've got brand new teeth.
I know in our dreams, our issues are brought forth. Why do you think you need a new brain? :-)
I am always having very strange dreams , they can actually change my mood for the next day. I have dreamt many times that my teeth have just shattered. I also dreamt that you grabbed my mouth and pinched my lips together and told me to be quite when I wasn't even talking , woops I forgot that really happened. I think the weirdest dreams I have are when I eat chocolate before bed, and I do remember getting you a big bowl of chocolate almond heath ice cream about 10 pm last night. YA THE GIG IS UP , BUSTED , she eats ice cream alot. The dentist in the dream could be a little thing called guilt.
Did you brush again after your indulgence ? God should not allow dentists in dreams, its bad enough we have to go them . I know he is kinda busy to care about that, but what good can come of it ? Have you ever heard anyone say " I had the most awesome dream last night and my dentist was in it" NEVER GONNA HAPPEN
Just a quick comment to each of you:
There is meaning in dreams I do believe that and until I actually put this dream down in writing I thought it was funny and kind of crazy, it became something more after reading it back to myself...there is truth in each of your comments, I do feel like I have very little control over my life, I have been experiencing a major conflict of life choices and opportunities lost, I have been trying to hold on to something that I feel I am unable to, and Kath, I swear some days I wish I could just get a new brain...Also since Kruze has "outed" me and my addiction to ice cream I might as well confess to the extreme guilt as well...
Would it not be so cool if we could actually do something to totally refresh our brain? See everything in a fresh light without the drain on our emotion? See things with a fresh perspective? The closest I can come to that is spending time in the shade of a tree in quiet moments.
I agree Kathy sometimes a little quiet is all you need to get your thoughts clear and get you moving back in the right direction.
Wow I'm not realy sure what to say to that kind of dream(kind of freeky though) I think the brain surgery may acctualy be needed though, since you are knid of dingy. I wonder what the analyzers would say about the recurring dream you and I both had when we were little of the Mass Marvel chasing us with a knife and I always got stabbed in the lower part of my leg in my dream. Whats up with that.. as I've gotten older I simply don't dream, perhaps I don't sleep soundly enough, since the hub is always steeling things from me while I sleep like the covers and my space maybe I don't feel safe enough to fall totally asleep... I only remember one dream in many months and in it I picked my children up from school in a yellow truck in a bathrobe and curlers in my hair. (we don't have a yellow truck, I rarely ever wear my bathrobe and never put curlers in my hair) go figure.
Also have some weirdo recurring dream themes- but I must say that none involve my teeth.
I like the idea of a brain-refresher. Do you think your dentist could do that?
I find dreams immensely entertaining - they can be so bizarre, and you can either look for meaning or just enjoy the fact that these wacky events actually got conjured up by your own brain. Hmmmmmm is that why your brain wants a transplant?!
I have some recurring dreams - one series I called "failure" dreams until a friend pointed out that they are less about failure than about my tendency to procrastinate. Busted!
Joyce...wouldn't it be great if a brain-refresher were possible, I seen a movie , I think it was called "Eternal Sunshine" or something like that it was about exactly that ...a great big mind sweep, where they just went into this guys mind and wiped out all of the stuff he wanted to forget...of course everything went whacky and he ended up regretting it big time...
Dang!! And it sounded like such an easy fix....
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