Stupid Stupid Stupid Me...
Have you ever gone against your better judgement...or maybe putting it this way would be more appropriate...have you ever done something so completely and utterly stupid that you feel like literally kickin' your own ass? I still can not believe that I didn't say a big fat absolutely NO NOT EVER Not as long as I am walkin' talkin' and breathin' is my daughter coming over to play at your house...a house that is inhabited by 1 massive Dobermen Pincher and 1 equally massive German Sheppard!! BUUUUTTTT NO instead of saying "No", I was softened by the sweet little voice on the other end of the phone...Pleeeease can Em come over and play tomorrow night after school? Instead of saying no I said "How about if I have her call you tomorrow after school to let you know, if she doesn't have a ton of home work it should be alright". STUPID STUPID WOMAN!! Ironically I just had a very intense discussion with this child last week while she was in my kitchen, informing her that I haven't let Em and Sar come and play at her house because of her dogs, I explained my phobia and apologized for being so rigid and fearful...she assured me with great big blue sparkly eyes and a squeaky little preteen voice that "my dogs are just the sweetest and they would never bite anyone". PA-Leeease!! I have heard that line of crap before, but did I heed my own personal red flag warning of resistance? Nope...Em called...she went...she was biten in the arm and behind as she walked through the front door of her friends house...surprize surprize and let me say with pure and complete authority...I HATE BIG DOGS!! Kruze called me at work to tell me that Em had been biten twice and that the owner of the dogs was yelling at him because he wanted proof that the dogs had been vaccinated..."she" was yelling at "him"!!! Excuse me?!! Owner of 2 useless piles of stinking flesh get the frickin' proof before I grab my rifle and put a bullet in the back of both of their worthless heads!! And thats pretty much the fury that followed me around at work for the rest of the night. Kruze had to take Em to the emergency room just to be on the safe side, of course when there has been a dog bite there is all kinds of protcol...for instance..the Humane Society gets envolved...the dogs need to be quarentined for 10 days and the owner needs to make three visits with them to the vet during those 10 days...very costly...its a small victory for the victim. I am still angry. I still feel like an idiot for letting my daughter go over there, but mostly I am furious at the owner of the dogs, she had no right to yell at Kruze and no right to suggest that it was all Em's fault...people need to take responsibility for their pets, if they are uncontrollable and unpredictable then they have no business being around children. I share the blame for this one I agree, I am aware of how dogs respond to me and I should have suspected that my children would share this gene.
What a terrible experience for Em. How is she doing? Is she alright? I don't know how you stayed at work...I'm sure every fiber of your being was wanting to leave and get home to Em. I don't think that you should feel like an idiot or take any blame for what happened...even though you carry a gene that makes even the sweetest dog go goofy! ;o) I would say that it sounds like these dogs are more for protection and that the owners aren't exactly capable of controlling them when visitors come. The owner should have put the dogs in a separate area while the get together was going on. Tell Em to take care for me! :o)
Don't beat yourself up too bad about this situation. THe owner sounds like she doesn't know how to handle her dogs. She should know that they don't like strangers and put them somewhere else when the kids are there. I hope that Em is okay. You are a great mom, I am sure and she will be fine with such great parents like you two.
I'm so sorry this happened to Em, what a scary experience. Please don't blame yourself. You are a great Mom and Kruze a great Dad. That lady ( and I use lady very loosely), should thank her lucky stars that her beasts didn't kill Em. Don't let her get away with this. She needs to learn how to keep her dogs in check.
Tell Em I hope she's OK.
I Feel so bad for Em and to think the owner got upset, really ticks me off, she could have been hurt really bad. When it comes to children and big dogs people need to realize that even the nicest dogs can be unpredictable exspecialy with little people who are right at there level. And Kruze was well in his right as a parent of the bitten child to ask about the shots, I did the same when T.J. got bit by the dog down the road who happened to be a Collie who the owner said loved people, so you just never know how animals will react to new people.
Emmie, we love you and hope your doing better.
And Luc don't beat yourself up about it you couldn't have known and your children will not share the same fate when it comes to the dog issue.
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