Just my life...a blog about everything and nothing...lots of useless trivia about me... my preteen...my 8 year old...my smart ass stubborn beagles and the gazillion barn cats that my husband and I inherited with the Farm we bought 2 years ago...I take pictures of everything and post them daily...come and take a walk down our dirt road...
I know where it came from...I am just curious to know if anyone else does...
Just a little useless trivia and morbid curiosity.
come on people make a guess.
Maybe from the movie E.t.? I have no idea. Maybe from your sis. she took it somewhere
Ok Anna...since it seems to be illusive and not a soul is playin' with us ...you are allowed to play, spill it girl you know you want to....
Its from The Village (movie trailers)
such a cool picture I would love to get the print of it...
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM Do I count as a big NOBODY? I tried to play along.
I was just too busy to get on the computer before today. Take care!
Blondie...I think we must have commented at the exact same time or something because I swear your comment was not on when I wrote that...apparently we were on at the same time and of coarse you are not a big nobody I just didn't see your comment... Girlie Girl ya Silly Goose
Check my blogspot when ya have a few minutes. New post and pics and I miss ya girl.
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
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