Friday, May 19, 2006

Being Held Hostage...

Sadly, I am not surprized. My grandma has once again had to suffer the disappointment of being told that she can finally come closer to home...only to then be told that it is not going to happen. Fill her with hope and then deflate her spirits.

Over Mothers Day weekend we were visiting with Grandma when the nurse came in and told her that by Thursday she would be moving to a different hospital closer to home. Grandma's eyes lit up and she was so cheerful after that. I was so happy to hear the news too, it has been challenging to drive the not get me wrong...I would walk to the ends of the earth with my feet in shoes full of glass shards to visit this women, its just that with gas prices being what they are (appallingly retched) and the fact that I am forced to travel the distance in one day it makes it hard to visit more often...which incidently is exactly what this woman needs to get her back on her feet. I can not go into great detail, but I will tell you the facts in brief...Grandma is in another state and appartently that state is holding her hostage, I have come to this conclusion (very Oliver Stone of me, I admit)they have come up with every excuse as to why they can not transfer her back to our state...every excuse has been met or maybe I should say...we have over come every one of their excuses only to be handed another reason why she can not move. I am ready to drive my truck the 8 hours to her, grab her out of her prison cell throw her over my shoulder and carry her out on my own...and God help anyone that trys to stop me!!
I am frustrated beyond belief, but the worst thing of all is knowing that however great my frustration may be, my Grandmother is laying in a small room in the middle of a gigantic hospital with only one day of visitors to break up the lonliness, what is there to convince her to fight, to stay strong and to hold on?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of this set back in getting your Grandma back where she belongs. She needs her family...that (and faith) are part of the process to getting her on the road to recovery; not just medicine. If you need help with the "jail break" give me a call...the hubby has the coming week off!! ;o)

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly have thought of bringing you and your "mouth" (that being said with the utmost respect!!) with me so that you can give those people a piece of my mind!!I am thinking that possibly the only way to get her out of that state is to hire a lawyer for real...

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My "mouth" is at your disposal!! I'm glad that you "respect" my ability to chew ass with no problem...I'm still embarassed though! I was going to write in my comment that if you needed a red-head with an attitude I'm there for you. The lawyer idea might not be a bad one...just using it as a threat may be all you would need to do. I do hope that those people can pull their heads out of their butts and think of the patient and not the money...that is probably what they aren't wanting to lose.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Carlotti said...

Your grandma is lucky to have you - growing old and sick can be a horrible and lonely experience. I wish you well in getting her closer to home. This is not the time to be far from those who love you......

I found you via Chronicles of Blunderview - I like your writing style.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

With all that has been going on with the hospital, the bills, the filling out paper work, the talk of getting Grandma closer to home, then saying she can't, the not being able to see her very often has sure been a heavy weight for all of us. But thankgoodness for a phone and the fact she is able to speak to us finnally, I try to call her at least 3 to 4 times a week just so she can hear a familier voice. This whole thing has shown me how strong our little shorty really is. Hang in there Luc that is all we can do and keep up the prayers.

7:01 AM  
Blogger Blondie said...

Your grandma is the luckiest woman to have people who love her so much. I know you will be able to "bust her out" soon. Keep the faith and maybe the lawyer isn't such a bad idea. I agree with the comment about loving your writing style. I could use a little help in that department.

10:19 AM  
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7:58 AM  
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3:28 AM  

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