Naughty Naughty Beag!! We had quite a scare this morning...Kruze put Maizy outside on her chain to do her morning business and later on when I went to the door with Milo so that he could have his turn Maizy and the chain were both gone...I freaked because when Maizy has no restraints that dog is like a rocket and the only thing that will stop her is a huge thundering screech to the top of your lungs and then that only works if she knows that you can see her...if she is out of site and she knows it she just runs full out to any where...well we all trudged thru the entire yard and surrounding fields...No Maizy and not even a howl to be heard, we were sure we would never see her again, then Kruze decided to take one more scope around the backyard by the wood piles...there she sat so forlorn with her head hangin' and her chin practically touchin' the ground, stuck tight and wrapped around a Red Currant bush...of course she just couldn't bring herself to bark or howl when we were all screaming and calling for her!! Sheesh! She could have starved to death(though it would have taken at least 2 months she is a little thick around the middle these days) out there all stuck in the bushes...

Maisey, you little turd, thank goodness you got hooked on the bush, if you got lost what would your Ted ever do with out you. I think mom and dad need to rethink your lease setup, how did you manage to get your lease unhooked from the door.
She is very Houdini~ish...thats all I can say...except that there is the fact that the barn cats are constantly taunting her, maybe she just had enough and decided it was time to take care of business....
Excellent, love it! » » »
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