Dancing Naked by the Pale Moonlight....

Yesterday Sar and I had to pick Em up after school, we decided to take Lilli with us (its impossible to bring Maizy along...she is embarrassing beyond all reason...she screeches and howls at cars driving by us and at people walking down the street and bikers and other dogs and mailmen and squirrels and roadkill and the wind...) we take Lil with us every where, she is quite the little social butterfly and can get even the crabbiest person to smile, she's such a little flirter. Whenever we pull up to stop lights Lil stands up on her hind legs peeks out the window with her perky little cock-eyed ears and the person in the next car just has to laugh and talk to her. Mostly though Lilli's habit in the car is to curl up in my lap and fall asleep while I am driving..I feel like maybe I should wear a Chaufers hat and a black suit and tie. I do love taking her along with us because she is so well behaved and we hardly even know she is there...so unlike her older sister. After we picked Em up from school I noticed that Em had some seriously dry lips, they were all chapped and cracking (she has a habit of licking them constantly especially outside and the wind really does a number on them) we were really close to the local "Health Food Store" so I left Em and Sar and Lilli in the car and ran in to find some chapstick...at this health food store finding chapstick that is just plain and simple chapstick is impossible, everything has Hemp in it (derived from marijauna) if I wanted my daughters lips to smell like marijauna we'd all just smoke a little!! JUST KIDDING!!! I did finally find a few different flavors one Mint/Lavender and one Lemon/Tangerine both of which still contained Hemp but thankfully neither one of these scents made me want to run outside and wrap my arms around an oak tree so I bought the Lemon/Tangerine for Em. While I was shopping around in the little store I found some homemade and completely all natural hand lotion it was called Kitchen Lotion and apparently if you use it after you do dishes it wards off dishpan hands and evil spirits. It had all kinds of crazy herbs in it and it smelled alot like dancing naked by the pale moonlight, carrots and brussell sprouts with a little Patchouli thrown in just to take that nasty smell of freshly smoked pot right off your finger tips...naturally I had to try some from the tester bottle...that was about roughly 16 hours ago and my hands still smell like a bonafided tree-hugger's hands regardless of the fact that I have since washed dishes, my hands a million times and my face just before bed and poor Lilli smells exactly the same because as soon as I slide back into my car seat after slathering the stuff all over my hands she jumped in my lap and kissed my face while I gave her great big hugs and kisses. Now I own a small dog that smells like she should be wearing only 100% cotton clothing and clogs and only bathe once a month in a bubbling creek in the middle of a green pasture...
Gotta love those pooches that travel so well, got one of my own, makes things a whole lot easier. And as for the health food store don't ya just love how ya feel when ya walk in there, like somehow the whole world comes together, ya feel like planting a tree, wearing thigs that say "all natural fibers, and eating a bowl of granola. Seriously I like their natural flavor gums, the ginsing one was pretty good.....Why is it that the people working behind the counter always look like they just left Woodstock though, is there a curtain cryteria for working there, not sure I would fit the mold. A little over weight and fond of those manmade materials, grease and processed foods, and not being to fond of the grannys old mop hair do.
It is so funny that you would say that ...yesterday when I grabbed a hold of the door handle to walk inside the store I noticed a small sign...Help Wanted...and I thought to myself..how interesting it would be to work here...exotic smells and exotic people...then I stepped thru the door and was greeted by a small man in green cordoroy pants a tie-shirt and finger-smudged glasses that felt it was his Pagan-Lord given right to ask me all kinds of crazy questions about myself...Do you like dogs?...What kind of Dogs...do you have dogs...what are their names...do they like people...do they like cats...are they friendly...what are their names...
and then after the barage of loony questions...I thought to myself...Do you like Pot?....do you smoke pot...have you smoked pot recently...have you smoked pot in the last 10 minutes?....And then the thought of working in a Health food store lost its Charm... Swear to God it honestly happened exactly that way...it was surreal...
Before I start, in answer to the question posed Anna, yes, I smoked marijuana once or twice when I was 16. At that time, the penalties were far more severe than they are today and I concluded that beer and later scotch had a better taste and though I'm a very rare drinker (a beer on the hottest days of the year while watching the Yankees; and a scotch a couple of times a month), I never turned back. Second, while all marijuana is "hemp," very little hemp is marijuana. Hemp's simply a fiber, and you probably encounter it daily as it's used for producing clothing, paper, plastics, building materials, food, beverages, cosmetics and methanol fuel, among others...and it's a renewable resource.
Rex, my dog, is a Cocker Spaniel, who gets along just fine with Gilbert and Sullivan, our cats.
Refugee From Reason...
I am sure that I wouldn't know you from Adam if I happened to see you on the street ...but I am also about 98% sure that you were not that small man in the green cordoroys ,tie-dyed shirt and smudged glasses at the health food store...he was maybe all of 23 years old and he definatly did not share your level of sophisication...hehehe very funny joke though...
Great one Lucy!! If that had been our day out together I'm not sure I could have ridden around with you after you tried the lotion. Can't stand the smell of patchouli...bad smell!! :o) Poor Lili!! Matt does the same thing to his lips...it looks so painful and I wish I knew how to keep him from constantly licking them. Of course I buy the chapstick and either he loses it or leaves it in his pocket and it goes through the washer and sometimes dryer.
Reish we have also had the chapstick thru the washer and dryer...not a good thing with the white..but thank god it comes out with a little persistant scrubbing...
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