Little Sick Hippie Chick...

Sar wasn't feeling well this morning so I had to keep her home from school...right now she is laying under 2 fuzzy blankets on the couch and watching "The SpongeBob Movie" (not my favorite movie but she likes it). I was suspecting that we would have a sick day today because yesterday her class had an all day fieldtrip to a Play in a city near our town, it was a play about a popular fairytale, one that Sar ordinarily loves...and though the play was very good she hardly seemed interested in it at all and mostly kept her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed. She felt warm to me then. Most of last night she was quiet and laying around...not her normal self..usually she is terrorizing her sister, riding her bike or playing with her gazillion dolls. So it was a sick day today which of course I don't mind at all...that just means that I get to snuggle on the couch with her and watch all the cartoons that I normally can't favorite "Little Bear" by Maurice Sendick. Love Love Love "little Bear". I have to mention that I am absolutely in love with "Kipper" too, when Sarah was a baby (2years old)her and I watched the cartoon Kipper and in case none of you know who he is I will just have to tell you, he is the most adorable little cartoon terrior with a british accent. Love Love Love Kipper!! And so today is a cartoon snuggle fest with my baby and I don't even have to be embarrassed by the fact that "I" want to watch a cartoon Bear and Terrior...
Awww sweets, I hope you feel better! And when mine are sick, it is usually the Simpsons and Cat-Dog.. not my favorites! But I do like the cuddling that is associated with a kid under the weather!
Get well soon kiddo!
Hope she feels better soon! I do love little bear and kipper and wish my kids would watch those again instead of some of the other things they choose to watch. The other night D and I did catch a movie "The Notebook" on cable TV. The little sweetie called me to come down in the basement to watch it with her. Great chick Flick!
Blondie That is a good movie...the book is even better you should read it if you get a chance. By the way I am going to see if I can find those two books you sugjested for Sar..Thank you ;o) Luc
Conrad..I would have to confess that my absolute all time favorite cartoon was "The Angry Beavers" favorite quote from this cartoon :
"What in the name of Aunt Ilene's cabbageless coleslaw is going on here!!?"
Loved it..unfortunatly it was cancelled...go figure...
Hope Sar feels better, are ya sure its not just a be with mom day, T.J. just had one of those yesterday, a teen in his briefs on the couch all day what a treat.... I would have to say the cartoon favorite in this house is Spongebob. the kids always quote spongebob episodes.
I hope Sarah feels better soon. With spring finally here it really stinks when you're sick. Kipper and Little Bear are great...but you know I'm a sucker for Winnie the Pooh and of course Eeyore!! I can only hope that #3 will like Pooh bear...unlike #2 who didn't!
Silly Silly Girl you are not blocked!! I think you might have the address wrong...I'll send it to you...
Blondie...just no "specifics" please...
Don't worry, no specifics here. I did get your email and got the message.
Thanks for understanding Blondie..just gotta protect the innocent and its just a little better to leave names and places out...Love ya girl
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