Last Night...
I've been taking a walk after supper every night...trying to get rid of the winter jiggle. Last night the air was a little frigid but the sun was shining so I decided to walk anyway. It was beautiful despite the fact that the only color visible was a hundred shades of brown...I should have been thinking about the beauty surrounding me and the fact that the only sound was of the wind blowing. Instead my thoughts kept returning to the fact that I was walking toward the home of the 7 Doberman Pincher's (You may remember them from a previous post of mine, "Shakin' in my Nike's"). I was walking down our road and thinking how very far away I was from anyone (further then a scream can carry),and hoping that those nasty dogs were inside their fence. I kept imaging that I could hear the sound of paws running and digging into gravel and heart would start to race and I would turn around expecting to see 7 vicious dogs glaring at me with their razor sharp teeth bared. Of course every time I turned around there was nothing there but miles of dirt road.I had to turn around and head toward home because the closer I got to that house the harder my heart pounded and I was afraid I'd have a heart attack right there all over the muddy dirt road. Not a very dignified way to die and it really wouldn't read well as a headline in the local newspaper. "Woman dies all over muddy dirt road after imaginary dogs attack her". I did manage to take a few pictures before I turned tail and ran home to safety...I think tomorrow night I will stick to my usual path which leads far far away from those dogs.(who on earth by the way needs 7 vicious dogs? Its diabolical!!)
Here are a few of the pictures I took in between my pyschotic episodes...

Here are a few of the pictures I took in between my pyschotic episodes...

Cool pics Luc my favorite being the horse pies. (just kidding)
Please stay away from the 7 dobermans you know how dogs get around you even the most cute, cuddly, dog is compelled to pee on you, chase you, or even bite you. This being something that has baffled me for years....All this aside evening walks down your dirt roads would be awesome, wish I were there walkin with ya, and chattin with ya like we always do in the summer, or gettin out the old cruzers for a long bike ride.
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Sorry if I said something in my comment about your pics that was inappropriate. PLZ email me and tell me what it was. Love the pics and can relate to the dog thing.
Blondie...nothing inappropriate I promise...anyone can say anything on my site.. even if they want to say that my site stinks I can respect that. I will email you with the details of why I had to delete it...its all good girl...
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