Sled Dog...
Kruze and I had a yard work day today..we spent the afternoon cleaning up around the yard filling bird feeders,raking and burning leaves and just loving the warm weather. We had Lilli and Maizy outside with us all day ...we have been trying to train Lilli to stay close to us while she's outside , she hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet , she may never get the hang of it...there are just too many distractions...cats sunning themselves every where... Maizy howling obnoxiously...a gigantic inferno of burning leaves just begging to be jumped into (where in Gods name is this dogs fear of fire!?)
Yesterday I was outside for about an hour with Lilli and she just would not stay by me I had to keep looking for her and I wasn't getting a single thing done...she is a Terrior and she is fast, the second I would turn my head she would run off around the corner of the house and out into the farmers field (which incidently has been freshly spread with manure) I couldn't keep up with her and I was trying to get a project finished so I decided to try an, at this moment, is where I am pretty certain that all of you that are non-owners of Terriors will start to harbor large amounts of anger toward fact I will not be surprized if my comments section is over flowing with hate mail tomorrow...on the other hand all of you that are owners of Terriors will no doubt find my invention the greatest since the invention of toilet paper!! Yes, it is THAT great!! Lilli is no longer known to this household as merely just "Lilli Jack Russell Princess Dictator of the Kruze family " she is now and forevermore known as "LilChinook Jack Russell Princess Dictator Lead Sled Dog"... cruel ? Maybe...but I for one am eternally greatful to the little blue plastic sled makers of the didn't stop her but it slowed her down...
Yesterday I was outside for about an hour with Lilli and she just would not stay by me I had to keep looking for her and I wasn't getting a single thing done...she is a Terrior and she is fast, the second I would turn my head she would run off around the corner of the house and out into the farmers field (which incidently has been freshly spread with manure) I couldn't keep up with her and I was trying to get a project finished so I decided to try an, at this moment, is where I am pretty certain that all of you that are non-owners of Terriors will start to harbor large amounts of anger toward fact I will not be surprized if my comments section is over flowing with hate mail tomorrow...on the other hand all of you that are owners of Terriors will no doubt find my invention the greatest since the invention of toilet paper!! Yes, it is THAT great!! Lilli is no longer known to this household as merely just "Lilli Jack Russell Princess Dictator of the Kruze family " she is now and forevermore known as "LilChinook Jack Russell Princess Dictator Lead Sled Dog"... cruel ? Maybe...but I for one am eternally greatful to the little blue plastic sled makers of the didn't stop her but it slowed her down...
Very small ,very light, almost barely there little blue sled...I swear...
I have to say, brilliant idea! My youngest dog has the same problem and I may try it, although I will have to find a mini sled because she is a miniature dachshund. No worries,you are not abusive and you probably saved yourself giving her a bath because we all know how much they like to roll in anything that stinks!
Blondie works like a charm Lilli still had her freedom and I still had mine...I could catch up with her if she got too far away and the sled just zoomed along right behind her as she ran...only one mishap...she got herself tangled around the apple trees and had herself a little temper tantrum until I got to her to unravel but it all worked out and she was back to exploring the yard in no time...of course it didn't do too much to keep her out of the field but that is another story!! hehehe
What a great idea...both you and Lily benefited from this!! Could you come up with an idea for Zephyr...has to be bigger then the blue sled!!
Reish...this is too funny but maybe an old small tire ? hehe Doesn't that sound cruel...but honestly I am sure that the dogs would rather be able to explore then to be tied to a stationary object. Of course the down side of a dog pulling something behind them would be the fact that they just mow right over the top of everything and flower gardens are basically invisible to the dog eye...right over the top...
I had an Irish Setter, Valentine, more than 35 years ago when I was working for the paper in New York. About a year following the birth of my first son, I thought it would be appropriate to train her and called upon a fellow about whom I had written, Captain Leslie. He worked with Valentine for a week or so, then trained me to maintain the training, which I did assiduously, mostly in the presence of my son.
Shortly, I began to notice that my son responded to "sit," "stay," "heel" and "go to place."
Something to consider, though I must say that my son's training did not last as long as Valentine's.
Refugee from Reason...that is so funny...and maybe your on to something there..Obedience training for infants!! If a new parent could just call the Obedience trainer to come and take care of the problems ...Whoa that trainer would be very wealthy in no time!!
You are brilliant, and your nephew Ted would be so jealous and wished he would have been there to help you know his dream is to be a sled dog, ever since he seen the movie Snow dogs. And just the fact his little nemisis Lili got to do it first "What a travisty"
Never would have thought to put the dog to work too, great idea, bet it was halirious though.
Of course you know that the sled was completely empty except for the few sticks that landed in it as Lilli motored around under trees and was very funny to see and she sure seemed to love it.
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