Is This Getting Old?
I Have been a little busy (doing yard work...Shhhhhh...don't tell anyone that I was raking in between patches of snow.... I can't help it I am so anxious to get started on the yard clean up).Anyway I have been busy so haven't had a chance to write much or even think of anything important to say so instead I thought I would post a few pics documenting how very much Maizy dislikes her new puppy sister...Hope I'm not boring you all to tears with all the pics of my pups...

As you can see Maizy just can not stand the sight of her...

As you can see Maizy just can not stand the sight of her...
Lilli is such a cutie...and so is Maizy!! I'm afraid that Lilli is going to be all grown up before the boys and I get to meet her. I have heard first hand how much Maizy "dislikes" that little pup...WOW!! I have to say Lucy I don't know how you managed to rake in between the snow patches. I want what you have between your snow patches seeing as all I have is mud that I sink up to my ankles into!! You kill me...there hasn't been a spring yet (since I've known you) that you haven't pushed the envelope at the first hint of spring!!
Soooo adorable! I swear your pics make me so envious. Does it make you feel any better to know that we here in CA just got our first real snow storm. Just in time to probably kill the fresh blooms on my new tree. Augg!
I love the pics of your animals. That is so cool that Maizy loves Lilli. I probably post way too many pics of my animals on my blog. But, they are so much fun and bring such joy to us that we can't help but share it with others. I have said so many times, I don't know what I would do without each and every one of them. Keep the pics of the pooches and cats coming!
Hey girls thanx for commenting...
Reish.. Lilli is still quite a puppy and I am determined to have you meet each other before she gets to worries ;o)
Kath..I don't feel better that you all got snow...I hope your tree is ok how sad that the snow came so soon after it budded out..bummer.Glad you like the pics of the pooches Take care girl.
Blondie...You do not post too many pics of your animals I love to see them..especially the pups!!
Can never get enough of the doggy pics, and I agree with Reish with the pushing of the envelope of spring. In fact I would say there are only two seasons in your little world (winter and yard work) Soon enough you will be out in the garden in your 'country girl shit kicker knee high boots' just be patient Luc just a few more weeks and you can get your hands in the dirt.
Anna...speaking of getting my hands dirty...I have a bunch of zinnia seeds for you I'll bring them when I come...maybe we can start some early in some pots...
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