Maizy exercizing the Sixth Amendment (Right to a Speedy Trial)
I honestly think the proof is in the photographic evidence... opening and closing remarks are completely unnessessary and allowing the accused to plead the Fifth Amendment will only prolong the agony of the court process. Its all here folks and it ain't pretty....
Oh The Shame....
Green Reynolds Wrap (at one point it was wrapped securely around a piece of homemade pizza)...
That piece of Homemade Pizza...laying suspiciously naked on the 104 year old hardwood kitchen floor...
Tampering with the evidence....

I love my dog, in fact I love most dogs...but pizza is the staff of life and there are some offenses that are so egregious that they make my head spin. Stealing pizza is high on the list.
That 104 year old hardwood floor is gorgeous. My oldest son just bought a house in Brooklyn built in 1902 and discovered that hidden treasure, which he and his girlfriend recently finished.
What a beautiful home you have out there in the middle of our great land.
I love Maizy...if I had a home that my family baked and cooked like you do I would be pleading the sixth amendment as well!! She is so peckin cute. I don't agree about putting it on the beautiful hard wood floor,but how can you blame her. As you can see I am terrible at punishment with pets although I have my moments as well.
Happy belated birthday to Kruze and I love the picture of the two of you. I love seeing friends when all their dreams come true and they are as happy and blessed as you two are!!
Again Maisy doing what she does best, getting herself into mischief. Very hard to discipline the beagle, bet Lili is well on her way to being just as naughty. Gotta love animals and all there querks.
Refugee from reason : I completely agree...stealing pizza is appalling!! Unfortunatley Maizy beleives that anything that can be consumed is rightfully her property and she stops at nothing to access her nibbles.
I love hardwood floors and would not want carpeting anywhere in my home...there is just something about walking barefoot across wood that I can't get enough of actually I feel the same way about ceramic tile it feels great on bare naked feet...
Cari: I absolutely LOVE your comment..."she is so Peckin' cute!!! And that would be why I love ya you crack me up!!
Anna: You know Maizy is turning Lilli into a "Mini Me" she acts exactly like fact Maizy most likely had an accomplice to her Pizza Crime!!
How could Maizy resist homemade pizza?!?! Especially yours!! Anyway, the look says it all...the devil made her do it. She is just to darn cute.
Reish that is hilarious!! and exactly what she would say if she spoke with her is all there in her eyes though!!! The devil made her do it!
Hold up there! I think Maizy needs a defense lawyer. Let's check out these facts. #1 I believe there are other furry (meow) creatures that have access to the house. #2 That slice of pizza is not consumed.
Now I know my dogs would have not left crumbs. Heck, they wouldn't have even bothered to unwrap it. Gobble, gobble, paper and all.
I'm thinking there might be a cat somewhere about trying to frame Maizy.
That last picture was just Maizy thinking, "Dang, I wish I'd gotten there first."
Fpn...that would certainly be a good case in Maizy's defense...unfortunatly the reason the pizza is unwrapped is because Kruze and I caught Maizy mid-theft and she dropped the pizza twice as we chased her thru the house (more because we were afraid that she would swallow the plastic wrap then because we didn't want her to finish off the pizza)it is laying on the floor uneaten because Maizy was having trouble running with the pizza half out of her mouth, I would love to blame this one on the cats but they are all farm cats and they all live in the barns though I am sure given the chance they would try to frame Maizy in a heartbeat!! That being said I think Maizy would like to extend you a warm thank you and a wet beagle kiss for coming to her defense...but none the less she is guilty...hehehe
Cute pics and I have to say, who can resist pizza? Certainly not I! and I don't blame Maizy for eating the pizza, although I can see she feels badly about it in the last pic! Dogs are the best, aren't they? I swear, I can tell what mine are thinking and I am sure you can too.
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