Friday, April 28, 2006

And She Drew a Crowd with Her Fake Piano Playing...

My girls had a half day at school this week so I decided not to send them at all, they never do anything all that important on half days anyway...and we wanted to go and visit Grandma,the girls haven't seen her in a few weeks. We picked up my sister on the way (Hi Anna...yes girl this is the REVENGE I was talkin' about). We traveled the usual distance which has become increasingly difficult due to the gas prices...don't even get me started...I could do an entire post on what I think about these gas prices. If my grandma wasn't so bloody far away I would refuse to drive my truck at all this summer.
It was an uneventful trip...aside from my "alleged" crazy driving (check out: Lifeaccordingtoanna-4 Girls on a roadtrip). We were at the hospital and visiting with Grandma for a short time when the nurse came in and asked us to please leave the room because she wanted to move Gran from her wheel chair back into her bed so she could be a little more comfortable. We rode the elevator down to the lobby where there is a little visitors room, in the room is a piano that plays itself...and quite well. Em and Sar and I have spent time (dancing) in this visitors room when ever the nurses ask us to give them a few minutes alone with Gran. The girls love the piano and couldn't wait to show it to their Aunt. My sister was pretty astonished by the fact that the piano was playing itself...the wonder and awe beaming in her eyes...of course she felt moved to place her buns on the piano bench and it wasn't long before her fingers were moving across the keys...she threw her head back and closed her eyes like a pale skinned Stevie Wonder...swaying to the melody of her stolen talent...the girls and I were loving the show, she was very convincing, which is probably why when she finally finished her musical plegarism she opened her eyes and found a crowd of at least 8 elderly people staring at her with great appreciation and respect...if they hadn't already been standing they probably would have given her a standing ovation. Her face turned several shades of red (very becoming I might add)and she stood up and stepped away from the piano as the music continued to play beautifully under the skilled fingertips of an invisible pianist...Anna Anna Anna...I have never laughed so hard...I'm sure our laughter could still be heard drifting down the corridors of the hospital as we chased after her running for the elevator...


Blogger Anna said...

Luc,I have to admit I felt alittle like Stevie Wonder, but I probably looked more like Elton John. Do I always have to have people see me doing something stupid, For a few minutes I sure had the ladies fouled tell I walked away and it was still playing. I had so much fun with you and the girls that day, you guys always seem to make me laugh tell I cry. As for the revenge thing yesterday felt like a good day to laugh at Lucy. So many thigs to laugh about it would be hard to mention them all.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice story and I hope Grandma's doing well. Regarding the piano, the Magic Castle in Los Angeles (of which I'm actually a charter, I'm not a professional magician, it's just a long lost hobby I've had for 50+ years) has a wonderful piano that's played by Irma, who is invisible. It's off the main bar in the Club, in a room filled with club and easy chairs. Visitors simply call out a tune for Irma to play and she immediately plays it. In all the times I've attended, I've never "seen" her stumped.

As to driving, well, you're my hero and possibly a nominee for an honorary New Yorker Residency.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now this sounds like a performance I'm sorry I missed. Any chance of an encore?!?! ;o) Glad all of you had a great day together visting your Grandma.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm seeing a trend. First it started in highschool when she wore the famous michael jackson glove to school one day. Then a few years ago we bought sarah a karaoke machine for christmas and while she was here for the holidays sarah came into the livingroom crying that auntie wouldn't let her use it. Now we get this wonderful story of her trying to impress the elderly by fake playing the piano.
Will the madness ever end ?


2:39 PM  
Blogger Blondie said...

Hilarious and a performance I would have loved to be there to see. I am so glad you two had a great day laughing and visiting with your grandma. I hope she is okay now.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Kruze, thanks alot for mentioning the white Micheal Jackson glove, its a period in my life I would like to forget, and as for the karoke machine those things are damn fun and I seem to remember everyone gave it a try, I just kept trying.

7:37 AM  

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