Friday, October 14, 2005

This just must be said...

I am going to say something on this blog that may tick some of you off...Too needs to be said.

My church sucks!! There I said it...sacriligious? Probably. Oh Well the truth hurts. I am going to share with you the many reason's why I feel this way : I have been going to this church for 8 years ,(1) I see the same people every Sunday (that I attend) and I know these people see me, yet if I should run into them unexpectedly during the rest of the week most of them will not even make the smallest effort to acknowledge me unless I first acknowledge them. (2) The church preaches forgiveness and compassion,yet they forced our Pastor of 10 years to resign at the slightest infraction and then preceeded to rid the entire church (building) of all evidence that he had ever existed...where is the forgiveness and compassion in that?(3)They treat you like a checkbook and make you painfully aware of the fact that you are only as good as the amount of your last check. (4) If you fail to attend church over an extended period of time they make no effort to find out why or if every thing is all right, they just send you a large business sized envelope with a sheet of paper indicating how much money you are not giving because of your absence. There are so many more reasons..but wow, how much more depressing it is becoming to actually see it in written words.

This morning I was checking out one of my favorite Blogs"Jane Austin's Soul Sister" (Hi Jane thanx for bookmarking my blog Girl !!) And I read a post that she had written about this very same thing...and another Blog that she had included in her post(I copied and pasted a small section of that blog to post here because I sypathize with the author) also stated this same problem. Wow! Does everyone feel that they are being "short~changed" (no pun intended) by their church? What does this say about our christianity? What is God thinking? I wouldn't blame him if he just flushed the entire lot of us down the toilet and started over. So heres my question to you (anyone please)if you feel that you are not getting what you need spiritually from "your" church and the rest of the world seems to share your confusion, where do you turn?
Here is an exerpt from a blog I read this is so very much the way that I feel and said so much better then I could ever say it so I borrowed it so that you all could see it too (I hope its ok with you "")

Top Ten Reasons Why Your Church Sucks....

“First” he said, “Your church is totally irrelevant to the community. You all talk a good game, but you do not see the dynamic of the community changing around you. Second, your church is filled with poor leaders and over bearing bullies who believe the best way to get anything done is to frighten people. All you have are people who will tell you what to do, and not lead us in doing it. Third, your church has no vision. You guys are just dead in the water. Fourth, your church is old. Your church is filled with old people who have no reason to move ahead. They have more life behind them then they do ahead of them. Fifth, your church is inbred. The people my age in your church are all related to the older people so change is impossible. People who are part of the outside don’t feel welcomed into the inside and voice an opinion; it’s filled with mama’s boys. Sixth, your church is more concerned about image them reality. You all seem to be more concerned with the condition with building then with building the condition of your people. The carpet looks great, because no food is allowed near it. The stain glass is wonderful; because you spend more money on cleaning and maintaining it then you do on mission work. Seventh, your church sees no need for change. You are all happy in your fortress and are not interested in opening your doors to the outside. Evangelism is a dead concept, and community is only those inside the building. Eighth, your church doesn’t share a relevant message for a relevant time. You’re so concerned with doctrine, you are not allowing me to explore the faith and question the unquestionable. Ninth, your church doesn’t care about me as a person, only as a checkbook. Over the time I was with the church I heard more sermons on how much I should be giving and not one on how much you were willing to give up. The only time I had anyone from your church visit me was when “pledge time” came around and you needed me to increase my giving. It got to the point were I felt no matter what I gave it would never be enough. Tenth, your church is all politics and infighting. Things only get done if you can muster enough political support form others to get your point to be heard, press your issues and lobby for approval. You have to wheel and deal to get anything done.”


Blogger Lucy Kruze said... comment? Are ya stayin' safe?hehe ;0)

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious girl! Do you not actually look at what your gorgeous pictures entail? All you have to do is look out the window and you'll see God doing his business all over the place. Well, that is except for the church. Every now and then he does pop in for a few seconds.
Seriously, I can find God in a lot of places, but church has not been one of them.
Going to church is a learning experience. You learn about people, about tragedy, about strengh. These things you have within. Sprituality is something you learn and teach by example, not lecture. I think some people in the church forget this. Then again, some people are just there to rule the roost, make up rules, and cut off people's heads like the Queen of Hearts.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here and I think you said it quite well...and so did Kathy. I may be a little fearful sitting next to you Sunday, but I will anyway!! ;o) (I'll be there hoping to gather some wisdom that I can understand.) I'm with Kathy about your have captured God's beauty a lot! When I look at my boys, or see the changing colors of fall, or witness an awesome sunset or so many other things, I know that God is talking to me in His own way and that is good enough for me. So, with that said, I will be there with you warming the pew and giving however I can. I think God will appreciate that from us!! :o) I guess we need to remember that "quiet sermon" and what you said...

8:43 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Kathy I really think you hit the nail on the head when you said God is doing his work all over the place. Some days I just sit on my front porch and take in my surroundings and I Thank God for the beautiful life that he has given to me, I am blessed. But I guess I just really wanted to be a part of something bigger then me and my life,I wanted to learn new things and feel more spiritual,I thought joining this church would give me that feeling of belonging but I was wrong and I can honestly say I know exactly what you meant when you said "I can find God in a lot of places but church is not one of them",I have never felt him there either. I am in total agreement with your whole comment,and it was very well said I might add.And this is what I have takin' from it. Gods not floatin' in any building he's in your heart every where you go and in every thing you see. Church is just walls and windows...Thanx Kath

10:21 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Reish..point taken "Quiet Sermon" it is true one ember alone will burn itself out but several will build a strong flame. Unfortuatly our church doesn't even seem to have the ability to light the match. I don't think you need to be afraid to sit by me on Sunday ;0) I think Gods on my side on this one.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was really afraid of sitting by you Lucy I wouldn't even come to town!! I think two embers are better then one. Right? Heck, we can add our 5 little embers too and that means we're on to something big!! Tomorrow is suppose to be all sunshine...maybe we should take advantage of it with the kids and do something after church. Are you game?!?!

6:52 AM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

I am WAY game !! I will have one extra but that should be ok...actually I will have two extra for church but one is going home right after...Alexa and Sara (Em's friends) are spending the night tonite)I am soooooo "very" "very" sorry that I am needed at work tonite and couldn't possibly have gotten off..Damn Kruze gets all the fun (I may at this very moment be sprouting devil horns thru my skull...big fat liar that I am) Oh do have fun Kruze and good luck to you in this house full of screaming, giggling, toe polishing girls...hehehehe

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are to funny Lucy! Actually it would be fun to be a fly (or ladybug) on the wall to watch Kruze deal with 3 pre-teens. What a night of entertainment that could be!! Can't wait for to get together tomorrow!

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Ok Reish all better...

10:56 AM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

Jane Preto ( I am going to from this moment on give you a knickname ...cause there are two Janes that comment on my site...and I want you both to know which Jane I'm talkin' to you are now JP is that ok?)I am with you about not judging people (in any way) I feel that a person's "personal" life is their own business and a true christian should love people for what is in their heart not judge them for who is in their bed.I can honestly say that I was feeling like havin' a blubbering, swollen nose, red faced cry when I read your comment as well, I had no idea that other people would feel this way (alone in a crowded church). I am so glad that I wrote that post I used to feel like it was me that was the problem,like I just wasn't doing the church thing right...if I wasn't feeling Gods presence , I just wasn't praying loud enough or long enough . If felt alone and isolated it was because I wasn't nice enough or good enough to be included. Now I feel like maybe we (all of us church losers)are not the ones with the "problem".And if we just don't fit in, well maybe thats a good thing.And I personally like the idea of worshipping the Lord in your way...singing him praise and thanking him for all of his gifts in a "church" that "he" built. And by the way Girl when your sittin' in a pew and feelin' like your alone or like everyone around you is judging you just think about this drinkin', swearin' Bitch (I'm there with ya)and when their judgin' me , I'll think about you.

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »

6:55 AM  
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4:51 AM  

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