That Long Call...

Yesterday morning you listened to my craziness and you helped me to see things a little more clearly, thoughts that have been spiraling out of control and my world that has been following that spiral, suddenly seemed to stop and stand still long enough for me to see everything clearer for the first time in a very long time . I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for hearing the words I didn't even say and repeating them to me so that my heart would finally understand. You may not even realize the one thing that you said that finally made me see what I couldn't see for so very long, I'm not even sure that it matters if you realize what it was, what does matter is that you have seen me at my very worst and still you have never rubbed my face in my flaws and short comings for that I will always cherish you. Thank you for clearing the haze....
Bang blast
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sniff, sniff, sniff
as if you havent done the same for me my freind! You are a true gift to me.
You just have to take a few days away and do a girl thing... margaritas, frajitias, and some good ol laughter!
I am totally takin' you up on that girl thing!! I have been thinking about it ever since you mentioned it yesterday...I would love to come and stay for a few days, you tell me when it works for you and I'm in the truck and speedin' down the interstate!
Tuesday thru Friday anytime works for me! Just give me a heads up and I will clear my schedule or take your ass along!
And I got a futon with your name on it!
I am soooo there!! Just gotta work thru a few things on this end (tell Kruze ;0) ) and its a go!!
I'm so jealous!!!
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