My little man got his first haircut today...his mama (Reish) was traumatized but he just looks cute~as~a~bugs~ear!! I'm so glad I was there to experience one of his many "first's". And in my personal opinion he looks even younger and more infant like!! Mason your God Momma loves ya Lil' Muffin Butt!!

Just a little traumatized, but boy do those blue eyes pop out now. It's just so hard to see your BABY get that first hair cut. He lost those sweet little curls...my only child with curls. I'm glad you were there to support me in this first!!
Anytime you need me just give a scream I'll come runnin' Reish!!
Mason is the cutest, such a little snuggle bunny! I bet he looks adorible. Those first haircuts can be hard. Hey Reish hope to see ya soon girl!
Luc, hope the weekend of the 28th is still gonna work cause I miss ya loads, its almost been a month since the Urban-ator can ya beleive it.
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