The things I must endure on Kruze's day off...
This morning Kruze was watching open court on "Court TV" while I was reading my emails (I stay far far away from the tv while court tv is on because I am easily sucked into "any" trial and hours upon hours will pass by unobserved while I stare mindlessly at the tv screen with drool running down my chin, it is an addiction, one that I try so very hard not to feed..because if I give in to that addiction not a damn thing would get accomplished in my house). In any case things need to be tended to today so I stayed away from the living room and hummed a very loud tune so that I could not hear the witness stumbling over his testimony. Soon after I had read most of my emails I heard Kruze laughing as he approached me, "Hon stand up" he said thru the hysterics. "NO!" I said back to him...(I don't trust him a whole lot when he's laughing...good things never come from that laughter!) "The witness said he looked up and watched as her husband grabbed her by the ankles and thru her over the balcony." "I want to see if thats possible."... "Forget it Jackass!" "You are not throwing me over a balcony!!" "Do you see a Balcony ?" he said (smartass that he is) "Just stand up!!" I refused so he yanked me off the chair by my favorite pajama top (blue fuzzy feet Jammies) and shoved me over by the couch , he grabbed me by the ankles and thru my ass over the back of the was thankfully a soft landing or I would have come up fists clenched and swingin' !! "YEP Possible" he says and calmly walks away....
A Sunni Solution?
Bloggers examine developments in the Iraqi constitution, wonder whether a "civil war" is shaking the White House, and take a look at The Republican War on Science .
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Lucy...don't take that kind of abuse from Kruze. Just leave his butt at home and head over here!! We promise not to grab you by the ankles and throw you over a balcony...of course I'm promising something for my husband and I shouldn't do that. Then again, maybe I'd finally get to see that drop kick you've been promising him for forever!!! nice to Lucy.
Hahahahahahahaha, I am gonna call Kruze and ask him if you bounced! Hahahahahahaha
Goodness, too funny Luc!!!
hehehehe, still laughing... hehehehehe
OH SURE CON Take his side ;o)Just kiddin' it was "kinda";0) funny but I laughed harder when he fell down the stairs naked and had rug burn from his neck to his ankles!! (years ago but it still makes me laugh every time I think about it!!
Hey Reish I am comin' to your house very soon promise..we need us a sit down and chat..and of course it will be on a wednesday so I can drop kick your hubby!!
Hey Lucy...make that Monday. That darn day off has changed again. Who knows...maybe it'll be back to Wednesday in the next couple days.
Monday it is then or if it changes again just let me know...hey by the way are you sitting on the pews on Sunday? I must I must be there with the trusty old checkbook in hand the 4th letter of "crap" arrived yesterday and there was even a hand written rebuff!! I was furious and the fur would have been flyin' if I hadn't been so darn busy yesterday! I am seriously disturbed by the way the church/school is being is really very sad that they are teaching people that it is all about the money for them and very little about the salvation of your soul..know wonder so many people have chosen to worship in their own forum.
Seeing as I have missed the last two Sundays, I'm figuring that I'll be there. I am your pew warming buddy!!!!! Geez...not only will I get to see you, but I could get some salvation for my soul. :o) What more could I ask for?!?! Can't believe they sent you another letter. I hate seeing the church go this route seeing as I said I'd never be a member of a church that made me feel all I was wanted for was the money that I gave. Maybe we should attend one of those "cattage meetings" and guide them back to spiritual guidance and away from the evil almighty dollar.
I think we should attend one of their meetings..they need to know that at least some of the congregation feels that the church is a money grubbing pile!! And when I say "church" I mean all the members in charge that feel the need to send degrating letters thru the mail telling you what a poor excuse for a christian you are just because you can't write them a bigger check....
Too funny Luc, I can see the Kruze doing just that too! You two are so crazy when left alone, you should have thrown his ass down the steps oh sorry I forgot there not carpeted wouldn't be as funny.... And I could see ya getting all wrappped up in court tv, these people do such stupid things.
That's too funny! You don't let him watch Fear Factor do you? lol
Yes he does and thankfully he hasn't gotten any ideas yet!!
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