My Daughter Emily asked for a guitar for her birthday last year, so we got one for her with the intention of also signing her up for lessons....fast forward one year and still no lessons...she has been practicing herself and seems to be coming along pretty well on her own but still she could use a few sessions with someone that knows what they are doing....which brings me to a strange thing that happened this morning...And by stange I mean other worldly, I was sleeping kind of between waking and drifting and I could faintly hear Em's Guitar playing, it was really soft and slow and I thought wow she's really getting good...my eyes were still closed and the music almost lulled me back into a deep sleep but I just couldn't get over how great she sounded and I wanted to tell her so I sat up and stretched alittle and got out of bed and headed for the hall to find her...sound asleep in bed (I swear) .A creepy crawly freaky scary I'm leavin this house screaming kind of feeling spread over my body from head to toe...I walked back into my room in a fear induced trance and found Em's guitar leaning up against the wall by the window I just stood there and stared in disbelief, not possible, NO FREAKIN" WAY but DAMN that ghost can PLAY!!! Then a soft breeze blew through the window and the curtains fluttered across the strings and I shit you not the wind played a slow soft song on Em's blue guitar. Gods honest truth ya just can't make this shit up!!

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