After school last week my friend Connie and I decided to take our monsters fishing. We thought it would be a great time for her and I to catch up , we usually try to get together once a week while the kids are at school but lately we just haven't had a chance...and the "catchin' up" was long over due. Anyway we had a great time although if you look closely at these pics I took you will notice that not a whole lot of fishin' was actually goin' on. It was a little harder then we thought to keep five cookie crunchers interested in fishin' poles especially when there was an entire lake of water just waitin' to get their little cracks soakin' wet!! By the way I vividly remember saying in perfectly pronouced english "don't get your butts wet"...its hard to see in the pics but every set of cheeks were drenched within 2 seconds of those shoes comin' off!! Can ya blame them..if I wouldn't have been so totally wrapped up in an adult conversation I would have had my big buns splashin' in the lake too..water is just sooo very hard to resist especially on a warm fall day when every cell in your body is painfully aware of the fact that soon very soon the snow will fall and the lake will be frozen...
Sounds like a perfect day, any day spent with a good friend, warm weather, a lake and a bunch of giggling kids is a good day and deffinately worth sharing. Reminds me I need to get on the phone and set up some time with friends I have not got together with in a while...
Hey Jane P Thanx for readin' my blog I am bookmarking yours so I can check it out everyday Great Blog!!
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