Shiny Happy People...
Two days ago some really good friends of mine came for a surprize visit. (Thank God I had just finished running thru the house like a mad woman trying to clean everything) Anyway they were on a little road trip that brought them close to the old dirt road so they decided to drop in...I was happy to see them!! Very friendly people easy to talk to and they both have this wonderful smile that perpetually lights up their faces and every corner of every room they choose to walk into! They also have an 18 month old daughter that has their shiny happy people gene!! She even smiles while in the extreme center of a major temper tantrum it is truly astonishing to see !! You would not know it to look at them but they have gone thru some very rough times in the past two years...shortly after they found out they were about to become parents they also found out that Jon had cancer. So during a time that should have been exciting and wonderful they had to endure cancer treatment and uncertainty . Its amazing how some people can go thru something so black and still have the energy to smile and go on as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening to them. Its scary to see how cancer is touching so many people that I know, why do bad things have to happen to good people. Is it a test of faith? A fluke? Just fate? All that I do know is that it is amazing to see how at the very height of fear people can just reach deep inside themselves and grab the strength to keep on shining....
Sound like realy neat people, when you hear about things happening to others it makes you put your own problems aside and be thankful for your health and family. Hope all is well with them.
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