My Noise Makers...
Its sad that summer is almost over and school is starting soon. I love fall as a season I love the cooler days that let you wear sweaters that have been packed away all summer and I love the color change of the leaves and the pumpkins and apple pie and the golden fields of dry corn stalks but I always start to feel really wistful when the nights get colder and the days shorter, I always feel like there is more that I should have done...should have taken the girls to the beach more...should have spent more time in the garden...should have planned more family things. I usually stop feeling this way right around the time the first bunch of leaves start to change... funny how a small thing like the sun shining through orange and red and yellow can completely turn your mood around .I think the woods even smell different in the fall, when I walk through the woods behind our house in the spring everything smells damp and there is such a strong scent of soil and earth... it smells new. In the fall the woods smell warm and dry and fresh. Maybe I'm strange ...but that would be the way my senses take it in. Yesterday me and my girls spent the day doing something that we have to do every shopping...I have very mixed feelings about this particular fall event. For the most part I look forward to it and even enjoy watching them pick out their new backpacks and folders and lunch boxes but deep down I feel a little sad at the thought of them starting school and leaving the house every morning and not returning until the day is almost completely over. I know that this is probably not something that most parents are feeling right now in fact most parents are probably counting down the days... minutes and seconds until the big yellow bringer of silence parks at the end of their driveway and picks up the screaming...fighting noise makers and hauls them off to school. And I would be a big fat nasty liar if I didn't admit that there are days when I wish I could just stuff my two in the truck and drag their little butts off to the the class "I" care that the teacher needs a summer vacation!! There "are" days that they are fighting and screaming and driving me completely insane with the "I'm bored"and "there's nothing to do". But there are also the days that we just spend all day together and its perfect and fun and there is constant noise and chatter in the house and life is great. Silence is golden but chatter is fleeting and I would rather have a million days of my home filled with giggles and screaming and chattering... there will come a day not so far away when the walls of this house will not echo their voices.. the girls will have their own lives...until that day I think I will cherish the "Noise".....
You are a better parent than I my freind... I will be doing CARTWHEELS down the driveway after the bus picks up my noisemakers! Ahhh, the freedom!!!
Better parent? Nope...just a mother of girls...there are days when I whip a double axle and a triple sow cow after dropping them off at school...they are great at making me want to rip my hair out in fistfuls but mostly... I love their company...
Wait tell you have a teenager, then your heart will really ache at the thought of the walls not echoing there sound anymore. I told the boys thats it your staying forever cause mom would miss you to much if you moved away. At 16 and 11 they are more companion then anything else, they fight but for the most part there is laughter and goofiness, and that is what I miss when they are at school.
It really is hard to believe that summer is coming to an end already. I can say that I am looking forward to school...I think the boys and I need a break from each other...but I know I'll miss them too. And I can't say that I'll have an empty house when they head off to school...still have #3 son to keep me company.
Reish I think you will still have your hands full after the boys start...with number three up and "running" I doudt there will be a dull moment!!
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