I took a bunch of pictures of the three little kittens that have found their way to our farm there are two calico's, one we named Sage and the other is Parsley, there is also one little kitten that is mostly white with a few specks of orange...we named him Paprika...they are so much fun to watch and they get into ton's of trouble...this pic is of Parsley playin' in the antique childs wheel barrow that we found in the barn last summer...such a cutie...

Cute cute kitten I have aways had a soft spot for calico cats
What a little cutie!! Can't wait to come over to see them in person!!
What a sweetie and a cute name too, at least that little wheel-barrel is being put to good use.
omw those kittens are sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!1 aww
-random person
Can't wait til you come and see them either Reish!!!Its been a hundred years girl!!
Hi Con!! I almost had to change my shorts when I seen your name on the comment!!Hope to see ya soon Girl!!
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