Monday, August 15, 2005

Beauty...only skin (fur) deep..

Yesterday I posted a picture of my beagle...the picture was taken while she was laying on our couch "looking" very well~behaved and obedient...I am here to tell you "you can't always trust what you see....well~ behaved and obedient may describe many dogs but it certainly does not describe my beagle. Many of you know that when Maizy was a puppy her and I enrolled in a "Puppy Basic Obedience class" we met weekly with the teacher and other puppy's, at the end of each class the teacher (Renee) would have all the owners and their puppies stand in a big circle and she would go to each puppy and point out the good qualities they possessed...for example: the greyhound puppy was very focused on his master...the chocolate lab puppy was quick to "sit" on his masters command ...and so on all around the class "good" puppies and then it was Maizy's turn...and every week Renee gave the same remark..."well...Maizy... you certainly have a good set of lungs!!" Always to this remark the smug owners of the "good" puppies would laugh and was traumatizing!! Thank God Maizy was always too busy irritating the dogs next to us to notice the laughter at our expense!! Needless to say every week I would watch in horror as the other puppies obeyed their masters happily and consistently while my beagle continued steal treats from the other puppies, disobey and just down~right ignore the fact that I was speaking to her at all...I tried everything..cheese treats, summer sausage, bacon... she would just snag the latest bribe and run off disobediently while licking her chops!! I tried bringing my friend Reish with me to one of my classes hoping that between the two of us we could distract Maizy enough to at least get her to stop sniffing every puppy butt long enough to obey the "sit" command... Nope!! She just simply ignored both of us... I was a failure and Maizy was totally mocking me!! At the last class...the class where Renee is supposed to pass out the little awards to the puppies for a job well done and then tell them they are ready for the "Advanced Obedience Course" every puppy recieved an award...except Miss Lungs she howled and screeched all thru the entire awards banquet and at the very end after every award was graciously excepted Renee walked toward us with empty hands and informed Maizy and I that we FLUNKED and would have to reenroll in "Basic" most likely "several" times!!! It was one of the most humiliating nights I can remember but there I stood alone in my shame while Maizy jumped all over Renee and smothered her in great big sloppy beagle kisses....Traitor!!! I am posting several pictures of Maizy just being warned....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how I remember that class I attended with you. I felt so bad for you Lucy!! Maizy does march to her OWN drum without a doubt. I am ceratin it's her cuteness that has saved her butt!!

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forget I was also a witness to Maisy's disobedience at puppy school. I thought she might behave with her auntie looking on but fat chance. I'm not sure what happened that night but I do remember a few angry pet owners and a teacher who kept saying well miss Maisy as sone as your done we will continue. I gave her a D+ for cuteness though, can't help but love the beagle.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:38 PM  
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7:51 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

thats right Anna I did forget...sorry Kruze and I were just talkin' about all the stuff I forgot to include in that post..imagine how long it would have been if I would have put every naughty thing she did while in that class...she is such a stubborn beagle!!

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reish funny you should say favorite thing to say to Maizy is"Your lucky your so cute"!!

1:45 PM  

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