Thursday, July 28, 2005

Oom-pa-loom-pas and my very own brand-spankin' new fishing pole...

Yesterday we went to see "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" it "experience"...I will let ya all form your own opinions. All that I will say is...I wasn't luv'n those teeth!! Those are the things nightmares are made of!! But I did love Johnny Depp...can't say I've ever seen him play a bad role...he can become anyone. I think that in the 2 hours we spent in the theater we collectively ate and drank enough sugar to make our dentist a VERY wealthy man !!We polished off the jumbo bucket of popcorn (extra butter and salt) (2) 5 gallon "buckets" of soda, a huge box of Dots (my favorite are JuJu Bs but Dots will do in a pinch) and a 3 pound bag of peanut M&Ms ...lets just say we were not winning any awards for parents of the year yesterday!! (I probably shouldn't mention that we all had ice cream for supper...but-we-did...) Anyway after the movie Kruze decided he wanted to take me fishing so he bought me my very own brand-spankin'-new fishing pole !! Its my very first ever never-been-fished-by-another-sole open reel fishing pole!!I'm positive that he will forever regret the day he ever said "hey..let's get you a fishin' pole!! Gone are the days when I sat quietly next to him looking at my magazines and watching him peacefully cast and reel.Last night I managed to disconnect my reel from my rod,get my line stuck in several trees several times , accidently reel the line backwards for so long that it was wrapped around the pole, the reel and itself so tightly that it took Kruze (and the patience of Ghandi) 20 minutes to unravel it, I spilt his coke all over Em's lap (twice) and I'm pretty sure my big mouth scared away every fish that even nibbled on my line example: "OH MY GOD I HAVE A NIBBLE !!!" Yep...I'm pretty sure he's lookin' for the reciept for that pole and hoping its possible to return a fishing license...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny! I got home from a long day and laughed so hard I nearly spotted. Lucy fishing! this is a scary concept, wait let me sit here and picture this.....kruze willingly took you fishing and acctualy bought you my skinny, primp-ass sister a fishing pole without having oh lets say; a gun to his head. Ask kruze this for me "what were ya thinking"....
why do I have to live so far away that would have been hilarious to be there and witnessing life as we know it (not to mention the fish, the lake, basicly every living thing around you) tragicly changed forever.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Skinny-primp-ass" thems fightin' words little girl!! And apparently you are forgeting that you are going to be nose to nose with me very soon!! I'd start runnin'!! By the way I'm bringin' my new fishin' pole and you and I are gonna have us a little fish off!! Sound fun?

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time? Place? you name it I'll be there, that would be fun. I have to warn you I'm a seasoned pro. Bill Dance has nothing on me.
Hurry-up and get here will ya, I miss you guys.

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great story would have loved to see that myself i would hate to bring up the special olympics comment again but i am afraid i must i would love to see the special olympics fish off

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special olympics isn't even close...I wouldn't even give my fishing technique that much credit!!

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it »

5:52 AM  

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