If I had a gun and some ammo...
If I feed them marshmallows and homemade chocolate chip cookies will-they-just-for-the-love-of-God-leave-my-sweetcorn-alone???!!! So far in the past two days I have gone out to the garden in the morning and found a huge mess in our sweet corn...stalks laying in the dirt, corn cobs with tiny teeth marks and corn husks thrown all over the garden...it wouldn't be so bad if the little eaters-of-"my"-corn...corn which was planted by "me"..weren't so darn messy!! They have absolutely NO respect for a persons wishes...for example: I do not "wish" to have our garden raided by four-legged creatures with bushy striped tails ...nor do I "wish" to find a humongous pile of half eaten corn and fuzzy corn fluff and broken corn stalks laying all over the cucumbers, onions and peppers!!! Thats just plain RUDE!! Kruze and I have had to "baby" that corn all summer...we even had to "replant" every single stalk after a nasty storm blew through and flattened all of the corn right to the ground !! And now it seems completely unfair that a bunch of furry little stealers-of-corn are eating our hard work!!! Wheres my RIFLE!!
hey now dont be hatin the little critters just send that geeky nephew out to the corn and i dont think they will come back
GEEKY NEPHEW!!? I have to admit that the critters would probably shit a brick when they seen him comin' ...but don't ya think "geeky" is a little harsh? After all he does have huge pipes and when he tells people to get out of his way they usually don't argue!! And if they do he just picks up his size 15 and steps on them!!
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