Puttin' out a flameless fire...
So very very sorry that I haven't kept up with my Blog these last few days.And especially sorry that I haven't returned calls or emails.It has been crazy buzy around here this week. Monday Kruze and I dropped the girls off at school and then went to settle up a deal we had for some standing wood that we had purchased(we need to have it all cut and chopped and out in the next 3 months). We have plenty of wood for heating the big old house this winter but we need to keep a year or so ahead in the planning. So we settled up our claim for wood on some DNR land (all dead ,dying wood, I am a tree hugger ya know!! ) and went out to the land to scope it out and mark it off. It was "too" much for Kruze to see all of his wood just standing there waiting to be cut and chopped so naturely he was chomping at the bit to fire up the chainsaw. We spent the day cuttin' stackin' and loadin', it was the perfect day for manual labor...and everything went pretty smoothly until we were on our last load of the day, and there was literally only enough room for one more log on the load, first I should explain this little morsel of information...when you are operating any sort of equipment on DNR land you are under very strict rules and regulations, we were given a sheet of paper full of specific instructions on how we were to do things and one of those specific regulations required us to have a fire extinguisher ready and available to us at all times, naturally, given the fact that a chainsaw could explode or burst into flames at any moment (?!!?excuse me?!!?), still a little unclear about this particular idea...but not being one to "buck" the system (ok OK !! I know that is a big- fat-headed lie, I buck it every chance I get) but guys this is the DNR and these guys would stick it to their own Grandma~ma if they thought she wasn't obeying their rules!! So extinguisher we done had!! And that would be where I came in...right on schedule...if there is a thing to go wrong I am there for ya, Kruze knows this first hand and is literally dumbfounded if I actually carry something off to the end without there being some sort of a hitch...YEAH...well...we will probably be vaccuming bright-yellow-foamy-powdery stuff out of our truck for years and years to come...but on a positive note, it comes right out of jeans, a sweat shirt and underwear, a bra and winter jacket in the wash and Pantene does a remarkable job at getting bright-yellow-powdered-foam out of hair...And yes laughter does carry quite well throughout a forest full of leafless trees...
LOL Yes, I know the routine... my oven caught fire a couple weeks ago... and I have (or had) a small extingusher in teh kitchen. After the dust settled, the flame burnt tater tots in teh garbage, the kids decide the dust all over the floor was great to make snow angels in! So, yes, it DOES come outta pants and undies! LOL
Now that is a good one Lucy! :o) It can be said without a doubt that you can liven up any situation. I would have loved to have seen this one!!
Con Congrats on the D day!! Sexy and "legally" Single!!What a combo! And already she has a flame in the oven Geez!! You maybe better get the extingisher recharged ya never know when ya might need it especially given your new freedom!
Hey Reish it actually was pretty funny after I figured out why there was shit loads of yellow stuff exploding all over me and the truck! That stuff has a major nasty chemical smell especially when your wearing it literally.
Too funny Luc! would have loved to have been there and seen it first hand. I'm sure there is a bigger story here your not telling us, like how you miss fumble fingers managed to get extingusher foam everywhere. Did Kruze catch on fire, the truck seat, your ass, or did you accidently sit on it or what, cop the plee girl! Things just seem to happen around the two of us, I think we should investigate a little deeper in our family history. I'm sure there is something there that someone kept from us, don't you think?
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