My grandma looks very sweet and innocent here but just before I took this picture I witnessed a cardinal sin in this house...she slipped a piece of her buttery maple syrupy pancake across the table and into the salivating lips of that shameless beagle!! The evidence is all over her fingers notice how she furiously tries to get that syrup off with her napkin...GIVE IT UP GRANDMA !! YOU"VE BEEN BUSTED!!

How can anyone resist that look? I can see why Grandma gave in!!
Yes! Grandma has aided in the downfall of many a dog. Ted forgets himself when Grandma and food are around, thats why he loves to go to grandma's house she's such a push-over and the animals know it too! But like she says Grandmas are for spoilin.
Maizy certainly does have an arsenal of "looks" to choose from...and she knows exactly which "look" works on each person she is playin'sneaky Beag!!
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